Consulting Services
Subject-specific study consultations
For subject-specific questions about the study of architecture, the KIT Department of Architecture, and department visits:
Dipl.-Ing. Doris Kern
studienberatung ∂does-not-exist.arch kit edu
+49 721-608 43879
For subject-specific questions on the study of art history:
Apl. Prof Dr. Martin Papenbrock
Phone: +49 721 608-42191
(secretary's office)
Student Representatives
For questions concerning student concerns and student life at the department:
KIT Architecture Student Council
Instagram: fsarchkit
KIT Art History Student Council
fachschaft-kunstgeschichte ∂does-not-exist.web de
Facebook: fachschaftkunstgeschichtekarlsruhe
Instagram: fachschaftkunstgeschichteka
Student Advisory Cervices (ZSB)
For general questions about study organisation, application and admission as well as choice of subject:
+49 721 608-44930
info ∂does-not-exist.zib kit edu
Social Media
To stay up to date, it is worth visiting the website regularly and following the KIT Department of Architecture on social media: