The Department of Architecture Library (FBA) is a reference library. Borrowing is possible for students of the Department of Architecture and KIT employees with a valid library account of the KIT Library.
Borrowing and returning media from the FBA is only possible during the opening hours on site in building 20.40, room 106 (Mon-Fri: 9-17 h).
For changed opening hours, please refer to the homepage of the department or to a noticeon the door.
The FBA is connected to the lending system of the KIT library.
Via the web page My Account of the KIT Library you can access online all information oractivities concerning your account (account information, account statement,flat rate renewals, reservations etc.).For reservations / signature requests "architecture" must be set.
You can find free learning and working places via the Seatfinder.
It shows the current occupancy of learning and work places (single work places) at KIT, HsKA, DHBW-KA and BLB Karlsruhe. This way you can see where you can still find a place to study.