Photography Study Workshop

The Photography Study Workshop is primarily an open workshop for the institutes and students of the Department of Architecture; in addition, all other university institutions can commission photographic work. The photography workshop includes a photo studio divided into several workstations and fully equipped with lighting systems, workstations for digitisation and digital image processing, facilities for analogue and digital reproductions and laboratories for black-and-white development and enlargement. Analog camera systems in 35mm, medium and large format as well as digital SLR cameras are available.

In addition to the documentation of student term papers and diploma projects and the collaboration in exhibitions and publications, a main focus is the teaching of the elective subject photography. Regular workshops and introductions to model photography enable students to work independently in the photo workshop. Various camera systems and tripods can be borrowed for work outside the workshop. Furthermore, the photographers of the workshop are available for consultation on photographic and design concepts as well as for technical questions regarding photography and image processing.


The shelves in front of the photo workshop are emptied regularly. We ask you to leave models there only for a limited time.


Nikon D800
Nikon D7100
Various Nikon lenses

Canon 50D
Canon 60D
Canon 5D
Various Canon lenses

Photo tripods

Nikon CoolScan 35mm scanner

Studio workstation:
Background black or white and lighting system (flash) for independent work, room -102, during opening hours, appointments can be made by e-mail, telephone or in person.

Open photo studio for model shots:
Location: Room -154 (basement), Building 20.40
Opening hours: 9.30-17.00h and by appointment
Equipment: Tripod | camera | black background
Contact persons: Bernd Seeland and Christoph Engel
Appointments can be made by e-mail, telephone or in person.


Department of Architecture
Photography Study Workshop

Building 20.40
Room -102 (basement)
Englerstr. 7
76131 Karlsruhe

Opening hours:
Use of the study workshop currently by appointment only (by email or telephone).

Equipment rental