9. Doktorand:innen-Kolloqium der KIT-Fakultät für Architektur

10.Mai 2023
Ziel dieses Kolloquiums, das erstmals auch als Pflicht-Teilleistung im Modul Forschungsfelder für Master-Studierende angeboten wird, ist es, in einen Dialog zur methodischen Herangehensweise an ein Promotionsthema zu treten. Dazu werden – nach einer kurzen Einführung – Doktorand:innen der Fakultät in Kurzbeiträgen zu folgenden Fragen Stellung nehmen:
- Was ist mein Thema, wie bin ich darauf gekommen, warum ist es relevant?
- Welche Forschungsfragen ergeben sich daraus?
- Wie ist die methodische Herangehensweise, um die Fragen zu beantworten?
Neben der daraus entstehenden Übersicht zu angewandten Methoden und Ansprechpartner:innen für weitergehende Fragen und Austausch sollen in den Diskussionen zu den Beiträgen insbesondere Fragen zur Methodenfindung erörtert werden: Welche Grundkenntnisse sind erforderlich / müssen erworben werden? Wie eignet man sich Methodenkompetenz an / welche Angebote gibt es / sollten geschaffen werden? 
Im Anschluss an das Kolloquium findet die Verleihung des Hermann-Billing-Preises statt, mit dem die besten Doktorarbeiten der Fakultäten Architektur und Bau-Geo-Umwelt ausgezeichnet werden.


14.00 Uhr
Begrüßung, Einführung
Prof. Andreas Wagner)

14.20 Uhr
4 Vorträge mit Diskussion

15.10 Uhr

15.25 Uhr
4 Vorträge mit Diskussion

16.15 Uhr

16.30 Uhr
4 Vorträge mit Diskussion

17.20 Uhr
Schlussbemerkungen, Ausblick
Prof. Andreas Wagner

17.30 Uhr        
Ort: Grüne Grotte
Veranstaltungsform: hybrid
18.00 Uhr
Verleihung des Hermann-Billing-Preises 2023 

8. Doktorandenkolloquium

18. Mai 2022

Wir freuen uns, nach langer Zeit endlich wieder ein Kolloquium in Präsenz an der Fakultät durchführen zu können. Grundanliegen ist auch dieses Mal, das breite Themenspektrum und die methodische Viel-falt der Forschung an unserer Fakultät aufzuzeigen und damit den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs zwischen Promovierenden, betreuenden Professor:innen und allen anderen Mitgliedern der Fakultät zu fördern. Dazu stellen Promovierende der Fakultät in kurzen Vorträgen den aktuellen Stand ihrer Dissertation vor und stellen sich den Fragen des Publikums. Voran geht eine Diskussionsrunde zur Frage, ob und in welcher Form an der Fakultät für Architektur ein Graduiertenprogramm angeboten werden soll/muss, um die Doktorand:innen beim wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten gezielt zu unterstützen. Kurze Inputs zu ver-schiedenen laufenden Programmen anderer Hochschulen werden die Diskussion einleiten.

Wir laden alle Mitglieder der Fakultät für Architektur herzlich ein, am Kolloquium in der Grüne Grotte teilzunehmen und sich an den Diskussionen zu beteiligen. Die Veranstaltung wird in hybrider Form durchgeführt; die Zugangsdaten sind auf ILIAS unter „Semesterübergreifende Veranstaltungen“ im Bereich „Informationen KIT-Fakultät für Architektur“ zu finden. Nichtsdestotrotz würden wir uns sehr freuen, möglichst viele persönlich in der Grünen Grotte begrüßen zu dürfen.


Begrüßung und Einführung
Andreas Wagner

Brauchen wir ein Graduiertenprogramm für Promovierende an der Fakultät für Architektur? Mit einleitenden Kurzbeiträgen zu Doktorand:innen-Programmen an der TU München, der CNAM Paris und zu fakultätsübergreifenden Programmen am KIT


Hanna Knoop
The Aporias of Architecture. Human Rights’ Standardization by Design

Conny Hansel
Mehr Raum durch Zeit. Überwinden urbaner Sättigungsphänomene anhand eines er-weiterten Zeit- und Rhythmusbegriffs

Seyed Hooshmand
Effects of Radiant Heat Flux on Local Thermal Sensation and Comfort

Romina Rissetto
Assessment of occupants’ expectations in office buildings and its impact on the use of personalized comfort systems



Verleihung Hermann-Billing-Preis 2022

7. Doktorandenkolloquium

8. Dezember 2021

Umgang mit objektiven und subjektiven Daten

In vielen Forschungsarbeiten spielen Daten eine große Rolle. Deren Quellen können dabei sehr unterschiedlich sein – sei es, dass sie aus eigenen Erhebungen oder aus der Literatur stammen, es Messdaten sind oder sie aus Befragungen resultieren oder sie als Rohdaten oder schon ausgewertete Daten vorliegen. Um aus einem Datenfundus zu validen Ergebnissen zu kommen, bedarf es einer systematischen Vorgehensweise, die schon vor der eigentlichen Erhebung bzw. Beschaffung beginnt und einer soliden Datenaufbereitung und Qualitätssicherung bedarf. 
Dieser Thematik widmet sich das Doktorand:innen-Kolloquium der Fakultät für Architektur am 08.12. Romina Rissetto und Isabel Mino, Mitarbeiterinnen an der Professur für Bauphysik und Technischen Ausbau, werden in einer Einführung Themen wie das Erheben von objektiven (physikalischen Mess-) und subjektiven Daten (psychologische und physiologische Informationen über Menschen), Datenerhebung in Feldstudien und unter Laborbedingungen, ethische Richtlinien, Datenschutz u.a. adressieren. Daus soll sich eine Diskussion unter den Teilnehmer:innen zu diesen und weiteren Themen entwickeln, in der Doktorand:innen auch Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus ihren eigenen Arbeiten einbringen sollen.

Ort: online, ZOOM link wird noch bekanntgegeben
Zeit: 08.12. 2021, 11 – 13 Uhr
Moderation: Prof. Andreas Wagner, Prodekan für Forschung

6. Doktorandenkolloquium

9. Juni 2021

Forschung an der Fakultät für Architektur umfasst sehr unterschiedliche Disziplinen mit jeweils sehr spezifischen inhaltlichen und methodischen Ausprägungen. Die Themen reichen von grundlegenden Fragen zur Architektur und deren Geschichte über die Entwicklung neuer Methoden, Modelle und Technologien bis hin zu konkreten Betrachtungen der planerischen und baulichen Praxis; hinzu kommt die Kunstgeschichte mit eigenem Fokus, aber auch vielen Schnittstellen zur Architektur. Das Doktoranden-Kolloquium soll einen Einblick in dieses breite Themenspektrum und die methodische Vielfalt der Forschung an unserer Fakultät geben.

Promovierende der Fakultät stellen dazu in kurzen Vorträgen den aktuellen Stand ihrer Dissertation vor und stellen sich den Fragen des Publikums. Ziel ist es, den Diskurs im akademischen Mittelbau zu fördern und gleichzeitig Ideen für das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten – auch bei Master-Studierenden – zu generieren. 

Die Veranstaltung ist fakultätsöffentlich und wird online durchgeführt.

Die Zugangsdaten sind auf Ilias unter „Semesterübergreifende Veranstaltungen“ im Bereich „Informationen KIT-Fakultät für Architektur“ zu finden. 


11:00 Uhr
Workshop: Diskussion zu erwünschten begleitenden Maßnahmen im Rahmen einer Promotion an der Fakultät für Architektur

12:30 – 14:00 Uhr: Pause

14:00 Uhr    
Begrüßung und Einführung (Andreas Wagner)

14:10 Uhr
Sandra Böhm
Das Potential biogener Nebenprodukte und Reststoffe für eine stoffliche Nutzung
innerhalb der Bauindustrie

14:35 Uhr   
Max Haug
Programmmanagement als Grundlage zur kontinuierlichen Umsetzung von agilem und innovativem Stadtentwicklungsmanagement

15:00 Uhr
Anna Keitemeier
Architektonische Grenzen und Schwellen als Verhandlung von Zugang und Kontrolle im öffentlichen Raum – Eine Untersuchung zeitgenössischer städtischer Parks in Frankreich und Deutschland

15:45 Uhr
Abbas Rahmani
Bestimmung der Auswirkungen der Geometrie auf die Energieeffizienz mittelgroßer Solargebäude

16:10 Uhr
Steffen Becker
Was ist ein Quartier? Partizipative Quartiersentwicklung in städtebaulichen Planungsprozessen

16:35 Uhr
Daniela Schneider
Systematik zur Bewertung der Materialdisponibilität von zirkulären Baukonstruktionen

17:00 Uhr

Organisation: Prof. Andreas Wagner (Prodekan für Forschung)




5th Doctoral Colloquium of the KIT Department of Architecture

02 December 2020


Visualization(s): What? How? Why? For whom?
Organized by Erna Fiorentini (KIT IKB)

Currently, when one hears "visualization", the colorful visions of data visualization usually arise before our eyes, or one thinks of immaterial ideas becoming visible, or maps and satellite images, or works of art, or ... Visualization has many forms and meanings, it has different objects, processes, intentions and addressees. Based on two current student research projects in art history at KIT, the workshop wants to lead a conversation about the diversity of characters, intentions, and understandings of visualization. Guests from different disciplines will take a stand on "their" visualization in order to discuss the question: If there are many visualizations, how do we distinguish them?

Matthias Bruhn (HfG Karlsruhe), Carsten Dachsbacher (KIT IVD), Erna Fiorentini (KIT IKB), Martin Frank (KIT MATHSEE, SCC), Simon Hartmann (KIT EKUT), Ingrid Ott (KIT ECON), Mariana Santana (KIT EKUT), Andreas Wagner (KIT IEB) will discuss.

Lecture program

Welcome and introduction (Andreas Wagner)

Mahsa Bagheri
Examining the social sustainability in German Garden Cities, Karlsruhe as case study

Gregor Brundke
YouTube as an archive of architectural references and planning-oriented instructions for action

Nicolas Carbonnare
Occupant-centered control strategies for residential decentralized ventilation

Judith Rehermann
Holy/Unholy - Hans Baldung Grien's "Lot and His Daughters

Nikolas Rogge
In Transition - Open Spaces of East German Housing Estates between 1990 and 2020

Maria Deeb
Konstantin Melnikov, "Architect. The Evolutionary Path to Soviet Architecture (1917-1974)

Organization: Prof. Andreas Wagner (Vice Dean for Research)

Research in architecture - a cross-section

4th Doctoral Colloquium of the KIT Department of Architecture

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Research at the Department of Architecture encompasses very different disciplines, each with very specific content and methodology. The topics range from fundamental questions about architecture and its history, to the development of new methods, models and technologies, to concrete considerations of planning and building practice; in addition, there is art history with its own focus, but also many interfaces with architecture. The doctoral colloquium is intended to provide an insight into this broad spectrum of topics and the methodological diversity of research at our department.
Doctoral students of the department will present the current status of their dissertations in short lectures and answer questions from the audience. The aim is to promote discourse among the academic mid-level department and at the same time to generate ideas for scientific work - also among Master's students. In a preceding workshop the topic 'Research by Design - Design Research' will be discussed. All staff members and especially PhD and Master students of the department are invited.


11:30 a.m.
Workshop: Research by Design - Design Research
Department Room Room 136, Architecture Building (20.40).
Continuing the discussion started in November 2018 and May 2019 with various guest speakers, the workshop will ask to what extent ' Research by Design - Design Research' actually represents a distinct research direction or methodology and if so, what methodologically distinguishes it from common methods of (qualitative) research. Prof. Riklef Rambow and Prof. Andreas Wagner will lead the discussion; Monica Tusinean from the Department of Structural Engineering will explain how 'research by design' "works" in practice, and her motivation and attitude towards it. She is doing her doctorate in the Design-Based Doctorate (PEP) programme at the TU Berlin.

13:00 - 14:15
Lunch break

14:15 h
Lecture programme
Location: Green Grotto, Architecture Building (20.40)
Welcome and introduction (Andreas Wagner)

Jennifer Daubenberger (Department of Art History)
The Reception of Tattooing in Contemporary Art

2:40 p.m.
Daniela Hönigsberg (Department of Art History)
Programming of classical media art installations of the 1990s and early 2000s

3:00 p.m.
Lukas Bessai (Department of Architectural Theory)
The history of the fence

Barbara Zak (Department of Architectural Communication)
Perception and evaluation of contemporary architecture by architects and non-architects and their influence through communication

15:40 - 16:10

16:10 h
Karsten Rexroth (Department of Building Lifecycle Management)
Conception of a system for the derivation of planning methodical models on the basis of situation-specific characteristics

16:30 h
Simon Häringer (Department of Building Physics and Technical Finishing)
Solar thermal blinds with heat pipes - design, characterisation and energy saving potential

16:50 h
Steffen Becker (Department of Urban Neighbourhood Planning)
What is a neighbourhood? Participative neighbourhood development in urban planning processes

5:10 p.m.
Markus Kaltenbach (Department of City and Housing)
The spatial dimension of residential multilocality".

5:30 p.m.
End of the colloquium

Organization: Prof. Andreas Wagner (Vice Dean for Research)

6:00 p.m.
Ceremony for the award of the honorary doctorate to PD Dr. Annemarie Jaeggi
Annemarie Jaeggi is director of the Bauhaus Archive / Museum of Design in Berlin.
Further information and registration for the ceremony at:

Research in architecture - a cross-section

3rd Doctoral Colloquium of the KIT Department of Architecture

Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Green Grotto, Architecture Building (20.40)

A striking feature of the Department of Architecture is its different disciplines, each with very specific content and methodology. Accordingly, the research approaches also differ, ranging from fundamental questions about architecture and its history, to the development of new methods, models and technologies, to concrete applications in planning and building practice. The doctoral colloquium is intended to provide an insight into this broad spectrum of topics and the methodological diversity of research at our department.
Doctoral students of the department will present the current status of their dissertation in short lectures and answer questions from the audience. The aim is to promote discourse among the academic mid-level department and at the same time to generate ideas for scientific work - also among Master's students. In a preceding workshop, different research approaches in architecture will be discussed as well as their border areas or possible overlaps. PhD students and academic staff as well as Master students of the department are invited.


11:00 am
Workshop: Research in Architecture
Introductory lecture by Dr. Peter Bertram, School of Architecture, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts entitled "Research Diagrams".
Dr. Peter Bertram is Associate Professor and Head of the Master`s programme in Art and Architecture at the School of Architecture of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. In his talk he will first introduce criteria for artistic research which more or less mirror the fundamental scientific criteria. In a next step he will comment on the founding operations of research by design, sketching the basic model and comparing it to artistic research. Finally, he will present some of his own work and the way he conceives of the relation between research and artistic practice. This is followed by a discussion on the three different approaches to research as well as about benefits to move across the line between artistic practice and scientific research.

12:30 - 14 h
Lunch break

14:00 h
Introduction to the colloquium, comments on the awarding of start-up funding by the department for the submission of a research proposal (Andreas Wagner)

Zhaocheng Shang (Department of Landscape Architecture)
Exploration of an Environmentally Friendly Form of City Development Combined with a River: An Example of a Four-Dimensional Analysis Based on the Expansion of the City of Jinan across the Yellow River

2:40 pm
Mutia Razali (Department of International Urbanism)
Strategy evolution for waste management with behavior changes in community through utilizing communal garden in urban areas

3:00 p.m.
Carolina Montano (Department of Building Physics & Engineering)
Research on passive measures to reduce the overheating in school buildings

15:20 - 15:40

15:40 h
Karsten Schlesier (Department of Sustainable Building)
Single span structural elements from cultivated building materials

16:00 h
Annika Nasz (Department of Art History)
Images of excessive cruelty? Slave representation between suffering and pity

Anica Nießner (Department of Art History)
Graffiti and inscriptions in Dutch church interiors of the 17th century

from 16:40
Conclusion with pretzels and wine

Organization: Prof. Andreas Wagner (Vice Dean of the Department)

Research in architecture - a cross-section

2nd Doctoral Colloquium of the KIT Department of Architecture

Tuesday, 08 May 2018
Green Grotto, Architecture Building (20.40)

A striking feature of the Department of Architecture is its different disciplines, each with very specific content and methodology. Accordingly, the research approaches also differ, ranging from fundamental questions about architecture and its history, to the development of new methods, models and technologies, to concrete applications in planning and building practice. The doctoral colloquium is intended to provide an insight into this broad spectrum of topics and the methodological diversity of research at our department.
Doctoral students of the department will present the current status of their dissertation in short lectures and answer questions from the audience. The aim is to promote discourse among the academic mid-level department and at the same time to generate ideas for scientific work - also among Master's students. The event will be accompanied by a poster exhibition of doctoral theses in progress at the department. This time, an introductory workshop will address questions of research funding. Doctoral students and academic staff as well as Master students of the department are invited.


11:00 a.m.
Workshop: Research and doctoral studies at the Department of Architecture.
The workshop addresses questions about research funding: What funding opportunities and facilities are there? How does one apply for funding? Who can support you? The discussion will be accompanied by impulse contributions from the department and KIT-FOR.

For better planning, please register by mail to Prof. Wagner
(wagner∂kit.edu) for better planning.

12:30 - 14 h
Lunch break, viewing of the poster exhibition

Introduction to the colloquium(Andreas Wagner)

14:10 h
Steffen Kunkel(Department of Building Theory)
Gottfried Böhm - The pilgrimage church Maria, Queen of Peace. A Contemporary Contemplation

14:30 h
Martin Kunz(Department of Architectural Theory)
Otto Ernst Schweizer as a teacher and theoretician

14:50 h
Susanne Gerstberger(Department of Landscape Architecture)
Biosphere + City
The "Biosphere City" as a sustainable urban model - target definition and urban development strategies under the premise of the predicate "UNESCO Biosphere Reserve".
Example Biosphere Reserve Lanzarote, Spain.

3:10 pm
Mohammad Emara(Department of International Urbanism)
Urban parks as medium for cultural expression - Cairo

15:30 - 16:00
Break, viewing of the poster exhibition

Mona Leidig(Department of Art History)
The Potential of the Latent. Psycho-physical Modes of Experience in the Art of Teresa Margolles and Gregor Schneider

Giorgia Spigliantini(Politecnico di Torino)
Heritage conservation and energy retrofit of historical buildings. A preservative methodology focused on building operation

Felix Heisel(Department of Sustainable Building)
Architectural design in the circular economy

5:00 p.m.
Sebastian Ebertshäuser(Department of Building Lifecycle Management)
Approach for rule-based multi-scale analysis and testing of virtual system models in the context of integral planning

from 17:30 h
Conclusion with pretzels and wine

Organization: Prof. Andreas Wagner (Vice Dean of the Department)

Research in architecture - a cross-section

1st Doctoral Colloquium of the KIT Department of Architecture

Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Green Grotto, Architecture Building (20.40)

A striking feature of the Department of Architecture is its different disciplines, each with very specific content and methodology. Consequently, research approaches also differ, ranging from fundamental questions about architecture and its history, to the development of new methods, models and technologies, to concrete applications in planning and building practice. The doctoral colloquium is intended to provide an insight into this broad spectrum of topics and the methodological diversity of research at our department.

Doctoral students of the department will present the current status of their dissertation in short lectures and answer questions from the audience. The aim is to promote discourse among the academic mid-level department and at the same time to generate ideas for scientific work - whether in the form of new topics or with regard to the application of methods. The event will be accompanied by a poster exhibition of all doctoral theses currently in progress at the department. An introductory workshop will address issues such as topic identification, entry and choice of methods, support as well as accompanying measures. Doctoral students and academic staff as well as master students of the department are invited.


11:00 a.m.
Workshop: Research and doctoral studies at the Department of Architecture.
The workshop addresses questions related to doctoral studies: How do I find (m)a topic? Which method(s) do I use best? How do I plan and organise a doctoral project? How do I finance my doctoral thesis? What support is available? What role does my supervisor, my field, the scientific community play?
The discussion will be accompanied by keynote speeches by:
-Dr. Ulrike Fischer (Department of Building Construction and Design)
-Dr. Martin Berchtold (formerly of the Department of Urban Neighborhood Planning, participant in the doctoral program of Prof. Markus Neppl)
-Prof. Dr. Riklef Rambow (Department of Architectural Communication)
-Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS)

For better planning, please register by mail to Prof. Andreas Wagner(wagner∂kit.edu).

12:30 - 14 h
Lunch break, viewing of the poster exhibition

Introduction to the colloquium (Andreas Wagner)

Manuela Gantner (Department of Architectural Theory)
Atomic images in art and architecture - the work of Rolf Lederbogen in a cultural-historical, socio-political, technological and media-historical context

Oriana Kraemer (Department of Architectural Communication)
eParticipation in Urban Planning - Communicative Use and Effects of Digital Participation Instruments

2:50 p.m.
Michael Kleber (Department of Building Physics & Technical Finishing)
Investigations on user comfort under warm and humid indoor conditions

3:10 p.m.
Falk Schneemann (Department of Building Construction and Design)
The high-rise building as a fabric of design and technology. High-rise buildings in West Germany from 1945 to 1980

15:30 - 16:00
Break, viewing of the poster exhibition

Aline Vanessa Bruand (Department of Art History)
Garry Winogrand's photography - between existence and dissolution

Nikolaus Koch (Department of Architectural History)
The Construction History of the Freiburg Cathedral Tower

4:40 p.m.
Janna Hohn (Department of Urban Neighborhood Planning)
The disappearance of the urban backsides

17:00 h
Julia Frantseva (Department of International Urban Planning)
Strategies of Revitalization in Mass Housing Areas of Post-Soviet Ukraine: Adoption of the best German practices

from 17:30 h
Conclusion with pretzels and wine

Organization: Prof. Andreas Wagner (Vice Dean of the Department)