Studying Architecture at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

The university study program Architecture at KIT is comprehensively designed with the aim of training the diverse skills and competences that are necessary today for the responsible design of innovative and socially relevant architecture.

Courses of Study and Degrees Available

Bachelor's degree program Architecture
→ Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Master's degree program Architecture
→ Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Building and planning in an international context
(German-French double Master's degree program In Architecture)
→ Master of Science (M.Sc.)
→ Diplôme d’État d’Architecte (grade de Master)
→ Double diploma certificate 

The training of design skills is just as important as technical understanding, critical thinking and an increasingly international perspective. The architecture degree program is based on the guiding principle of research-oriented teaching. The broad spectrum of professorships, the intensive supervision by the teaching staff and the outstanding equipment create the conditions for a substantial and successful degree program. In accordance with the criteria of the architectural associations and the Union International d'Architecture (UIA), the necessary qualification for the professional title requires a completed Master's degree. Further criteria for admission to the profession are regulated by the chambers of architects.

Job description

The professional profile of modern architects is associated with a high degree of responsibility. As a cultural and public practice, architecture is closely linked to social, technological and economic developments. The diversity of the discip- line combines the humanities, social and natural sciences as well as technical and artistic subjects. Against this background, the degree program is geared towards comprehensive knowledge in order to train creative and critically thinking personalities and to enable them to work on complex tasks in an interdisciplinary manner. In view of the increasingly differentiated perspectives in professional life, special qualifications can be acquired in the Master's program.

Working as an Architect Across Europe

Our Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Architecture were successfully accredited by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects (AKBW) in October 2024. This means that graduates from our faculty who wish to work abroad in Europe and apply for registration with the local Architects’ Chamber will not have to go through lengthy and costly procedures. Instead, they can be registered without further formalities.

»We encourage the students to always go their own way, breaking new ground and trying things out, in order to develop a good feeling for the necessary concerns of the discipline as well as experimental creativity at an early stage. Through the intensive confrontation with the most diverse architectural positions and opinions of the teachers, an initial attitude of one's own can be formed in the course of one's studies. This should enable students to deal appropriately and critically with their own work, but also with their lecturers.«

Prof. Ludwig Wappner
Professorship for Building Construction
»Our family-like, close relationship at the department is what makes us really special. You work hard together, help each other out and at the end of the day you toast each other, with good music and conversation being a part of it all. The time that we spent here studying in the architecture program is certainly one that we will all look back at with joy.«

Davina Dixon, B.A.
Graduate of the Bachelor's degree program Architecture

Evaluations from students

Bachelor Architecture

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Master Architecture

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Info clip about the bachelor's degree program
What distinguishes the architecture program at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology? Students explain what you can expect. The video is the result of a student workshop as part of the "Studienstart" project in September 2020. Video: Louisa Schütz, Davina Dixon, Antonia Leicht and Estelle Wahl, Karlsruhe, 2020.

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A day at the Faculty of Architecture at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology provides an insight into the daily routine of studying.
Film: Antonia Leicht, Music: Felix Booz

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Selected student works

Discover selected bachelor theses from the summer semester 2022 on ...
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