Taster lecture
A taster lecture is a recommended lecture to get to know the course of study. Such a trial visit is possible during the semester quite casually and without registration. The lecture period in the winter semester lasts from mid-October to mid-February, in the summer semester from mid-April to mid-July.
The brochure "Studieren probieren - Schnuppervorlesungen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) " also informs you about currently offered events, which are especially suitable for prospective students.
Campus Day
On the camp day you can experience the KIT campus live!
All departments present their study programs, offer hands-on activities, experiments, guided tours, and much more. Of course, you will also learn everything about topics such as studying abroad, career opportunities, and the counseling and support services offered by KIT. University groups and student bodies will talk to you and show you what they have to offer. The cafeteria of the Studierendenwerk, food trucks, and the coffee lounge of the Central Student Advisory Service will take care of your physical well-being.
So visit us and get to know us and your future place of study. We look forward to seeing you!
The Department of Architecture is also participating with an extensive program.
Next date: Saturday, May 17th, 2025
Reinschauen - The annual exhibition of the department
By the end of the summer term the Department of Architecture at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology organizes its annual exhibition "Reinschauen". In the exhibition, the professorships, workshops, and studios present works and projects of the past academic year and give an insight into the range of teaching and research at the faculty.
The program includes presentations, short lectures, guided tours and the exhibition of student work.
Next date: July 16th, 2025
Study Information Day
The study information day gives pupils the opportunity to inform themselves about studying at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
The information day takes place once a year in autumn on the South Campus of KIT. From early in the morning until in the evening, interested persons can inform themselves about the study programs of the university at information booths and in more than 100 individual events such as lectures, workshops, and guided tours. Registration is not required.
Next date: November 2022
Girls' Day
The young generation of women in Germany has a particularly good school education. Nevertheless, young girls still often opt for "typically female" occupational fields and courses of study. This means that they are not making the most of their career opportunities.
Within the framework of the Girls' Day program, girls are to be given the opportunity to gain an insight into the training occupations and courses of study in technology, IT, crafts, and natural sciences here at KIT. The offer is addressed to schoolgirls from the fifth grade on.
Auf der Messe des KIT haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Masterstudiengänge und das Drumherum des KIT virtuell zu entdecken. Informieren Sie sich in Beratungsgesprächen und bei Vorträgen über Bewerbungsverfahren, Studieninhalte, Vertiefungsrichtungen, Auslandsaufenthalte und vieles mehr. Lernen Sie unsere Masterstudiengänge bei einer Vorlesung oder einem Fachvortrag kennen. Auch das überfachliche Angebot sowie das Campusleben kommen dabei nicht zu kurz – von AStA bis Zentrum für angewandte Kulturwissenschaften – hier erleben Sie die ganze Bandbreite des KIT.
Nächster Termin: tba