Short profile
Type of degree: | Master of Arts (M.A.) |
Standard period of study: | 4 semesters (full-time study) |
Credit points (ECTS): | 120 credit points |
Language of instruction: | German |
Admission restriction: | Not restricted |
Master's program in Art History
The Master's course (4 semesters) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is entirely dedicated to art history. There is no longer a supplementary area as in the Bachelor's degree, but there is the option of attending courses from related disciplines or taking an interdisciplinary Master's module in the humanities and social sciences. The modular structures are flexible and allow and encourage independent study. The freedom for students to develop their own areas of specialization, which grew continuously during the Bachelor's degree course, is greatest in the Master's degree course and ultimately leads to the choice of topic for the Master's thesis.
Degree and duration of study
After a standard period of study of four semesters, students graduate with the title Magister/Magistra Artium (Master of Arts). This is a consecutive Master's postgraduate course with an academic focus, which requires a Bachelor's degree in the same or a related subject.
Course structure
The Master's degree program is only studied in one major subject and should enable students to work independently on scientific issues. Students must acquire 120 ECTS credits. The choice of courses is only prescribed to a limited extent; suitable courses outside of art history can also be chosen to a certain extent.
Application deadline
- For the winter semester: September 30 of each year (cut-off deadline).
- For the summer semester: March 31 of each year (cut-off deadline).
Admission requirements
- Bachelor's or equivalent degree in Art History, a degree course with essentially the same content or in a "related subject area"
- Proof of German language skills at level C, if applicable
Dates for the start of the semester
All dates of info sessions, presentations of the design studios, seminar election on one page.
Semester schedule
Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Architecture
and Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Art History
Winter semester 2024/25 (as of: 31.07.2024)
Summer semester 2025 (as of: 18.12.2024)
Statutes and regulations
Statutes and regulations can be found on the website of the KIT Service Unit Study and Teaching:
Module Manuals
The module handbook describes the modules belonging to the respective study program, the interdependencies between them, the learning objectives and the type of assessment of success.
Winter semester 2023/24:
PDF download
Bachelor Art History (SPO2017): German
Bachelor Art History (SPO2022): german
Master Art History (SPO2017): german
Master History of Art (SPO2023): german
Online version
Bachelor History of Art (SPO2017): german
Master History of Art (SPO2017): german
Past semesters:
Summer semester 2023:
PDF download
Bachelor Art History (SPO2017): german
Bachelor Art History (SPO2022): german
Master Art History (SPO2017): german
Online version
Bachelor History of Art (SPO2017): german
Master History of Art (SPO2017): german
Winter semester 2022/23:
PDF download
Bachelor History of Art (SPO2017): german
Bachelor History of Art (SPO2022): german
Summer term 2021
Pdf: Bachelor History of Art (SPO2017): german
Pdf: Master History of Art (SPO2017): german
Online: Bachelor History of Art (SPO2017): german
Online: Master History of Art (SPO2017): german
Guide to scientific work
This guide is intended to be an aid for the study of art history at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and to give hints for scientific work. In principle, the advice in this handout is also valuable and valid for architecture students. However, there are also some deviating regulations for term papers and especially for the scientific part of the master's thesis in the course of studies in architecture, e.g. concerning the freedom in the layout of the paper. A version of the handout that is precisely adapted to the needs of architecture students is therefore in preparation. As long as it is not yet available, please use this version, but please discuss with your supervisor which of the regulations are not binding for you or which additional regulations apply in the respective case.
- English
Contact persons
Secretariat Professorship Hinterwaldner | Professorship Jehle
Helga Lechner
Institute of Art and Architectural History
Englerstraße 7
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 608-42191
Building 20.40, ground floor, room 020
Student advisory service
Apl. Prof. Dr. Martin Papenbrock
Phone: +49 721 608-42191
(secretary's office)
Dean of Studies Art History
Prof. Dr. Inge Hinterwaldner (Art History)
inge.hinterwaldner∂kit edu
Examination Board Art History
To the website of the committee
Study Commission Art History
To the website of the commission
Study abroad
Courses of the Art History degree program
Overview of courses in the current semester
Courses divided according to professorships:
Chair of Art History - Dr. Inge Hinterwaldner
Chair of Art History - Dr. Oliver Jehle
Start of the Master
Welcome to the Master's program in Art History at the KIT Department of Architecture! We would like you to get off to a good start with us and to this end we have compiled information and offers to make it easier for you to get started.
To get started
The faculty's semester brochure
The semester brochure provides an overview of the faculty, the courses on offer and the semester schedule. It is published shortly before the start of the semester.
All the information you need to plan and complete your studies:
Under "Study programmes" on the faculty website, you will find the important dates, links and information to keep an eye on the organizational aspects of your studies.
Master's degree in art history
Information of the History of Art
The Department of Art History provides information about the Master's program in Art History and the semester schedule on their website.
Presentation of the study programs Art History
at KIT 26.10.2020, 11:00-11:30,
Zoom Conference
The link for this is:
Meeting ID: 947 5348 0800 / ID code: 935028
New Master students are cordially invited to attend the introduction to the study of Art History by Prof.Dr. Oliver Jehle, Dean of Studies, together with the new Bachelor students.
Individual questions to lecturers and secretariat
30.10.2020, 10:00, Zoom Conference
(The link will be announced shortly)
Offer for Bachelor and Master students
Campus tours
Tuesday, 12.10.2021 | In presence |
14:00-16:00 | Architecture and Art History: Faculty and campus tours in small groups Appointment allocation via the O-Phase Ilias course, approx. 1-hour event staggered due to Corona protection measures Please bring your own food and refreshments! |
Important information / FAQ
Technical information of the SCC
The Steinbuch Center for Computing (SCC) is responsible for KIT's information technology. To help you get started, the SCC has compiled some relevant information such as how to activate your KIT user account, how to set up your e-mail account, how to prepare your KIT Card and much more.
Overview of important websites and portals
KIT and the Faculty of Architecture use information and administration systems that directly affect your study organization, be it in teaching, when documents are made available, when dates for the semester schedule are published, or when you have to register for exams. The various portals and websites fulfill different functions. The most important ones for you are briefly presented here.
Website of the KIT Department of Architecture
The website of the KIT Department of Architecture functions as a pure information website. It provides an overview of the various institutions, persons, and committees of the department as well as of the courses offered. It also announces current events, dates, and publications. In the section "Organisation of studies" you can find important dates, timetables, forms etc.. There are also video tutorials on how to register for and deregister from exams to help you with this process.
The various professorships of the department also have websites. The links to these can be found under the menu item "Institutes". The websites are maintained by the professorships themselves and differ in scope and offer.
Campus Management Portal
The Campus Management Portal is a central platform of KIT, which manages courses, exam registration and deregistration, re-registration for the next study semester and all possible certificates. Compared to the department website, it is not only about information, but about your personal study organization. If you have difficulties with the Campus Management Portal, the Dean of Studies Office of the Department (Building 20.40, Room 139) can often help.
WiWi Portal
The WiWi-Portal is used to allocate places for courses. It is only relevant in the weeks before the lecture period. Registration usually takes place via the KIT account, but if this is not yet available, registration with a private email address is also possible.
KIT uses the learning platform ILIAS. Here, teachers can set up courses for individual learning events and modules and then make learning materials available or set up submissions. ILIAS can also be used to send e-mails or set up calendars for courses. In most cases, the professorships set up a course and then inform the students concerned about the respective joining procedure. This can be done by the professors themselves or with a link and/or password. You should definitely join the corresponding ILIAS courses in order to receive the emails and materials for the courses and to be able to hand in required performances on time!
Below you will find information on how to register for your Bachelor's or Master's degree.
Please also refer to our website and the study and examination regulations for information on dates and deadlines, processing and assessment deadlines and bear in mind that it will take time to prepare your degree certificate for your further studies or career planning.
If you have any questions regarding content, please contact your supervising lecturer; if you have any administrative questions, please contact the Registrar's Office at any time.
Send us an e-mail and we will get in touch with you shortly.
Students studying according to the study and examination regulations (from 2017):
Bachelor's and Master's theses can be started individually at any time.
- Contact the supervisor of your choice in good time to find and discuss a topic for your thesis.
- Inform the Registrar's Office about the planned start of your thesis so that your study plan can be checked and any outstanding work can be entered in good time.
- Submit the form "Registration of Bachelor's/Master's thesis" to the secretary's office after you have entered the topic in German and English, after the start date of your thesis has been set and signed by your supervisor.
Registration of the Bachelor's thesis
Registration of the Master's thesis - You will receive a message after registration and must then accept the thesis online within the next four weeks.
- Please remember to de-register after successfully completing your Bachelor's/Master's examination.
Form and structure of the presentation
- The oral presentation forms the basis of discussion for the respective session and should be the starting point for group work.
- Content should be conveyed to all participants in a comprehensible manner, supported by suitable visual material, the personal presentation style and a thesis sheet.
- To allow room for discussion, the presentation should last no longer than 30 minutes.
The preparation of the presentations, the topics of which are assigned at the beginning of the semester, includes, among other things
- researching and ordering literature in good time
- selecting suitable illustrations
- becoming aware of your personal presentation style
- creating and reproducing a sufficient number of thesis papers for the lecturer and seminar participants
- think of questions to stimulate discussion and
- familiarize themselves with the room and arrange for a laptop, projector and blackout in good time.
Guidelines for scientific work
Literature and image research
Guide "Image rights in art historical practice"
The Association of German Art Historians has published an official guide "Image rights in art historical practice".
Link to the guide:
Literature research
The holdings of the library of the Department of Art History can be found in the KIT library (Straße am Forum 2, 76131 Karlsruhe).
Here you will find a list of the holdings that are available in the institute library as an extended reference collection.
KIT Library Karlsruhe
Baden State Library (BLB)
Library of the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
The library of the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe is one of the four largest publicly accessible museum libraries in Germany. The collection of currently more than 130,000 volumes includes monographs, catalogs and small publications as well as audiovisual and electronic media. There are also over 1,000 journals. The library is a reference library, borrowing is not possible.
ZKM Library
The library has a collection of around 60,000 books and digital data carriers. In addition, around 120 journals and five newspapers are available by subscription.
Image archives
prometheus image database
prometheus is a portal of the Kunsthistorisches Institut Köln (Cologne Institute of Art History) which, as a merger of the databases of various institutes, provides image material from the fields of art and cultural history, archaeology and the protection of cultural property for research and teaching purposes.
Information on use and registration for teachers and students!
Photo Marburg
Publications, research databases, image index, manuscripts, references
Foto Marburg: Image index of art history and architecture
Large image index sorted by places, artists, themes and portraits incl. search function.
Web Galery of Art
Extensive, well-sorted image archive, some with brief information. The images are of very good quality.
Important links
Student portal(
The Campus Management Portal offers KIT students various self-service services in the area of student administration. These include
- registration/deregistration for examinations
- re-registration for the following semester via SEPA direct debit procedure
- changing personal data
- Downloading a variety of certificates (e.g. certificate of study, KVV certificate, transcript of records)
- Verification of certificates (also for third parties)
Ilias (
ILIAS is the central service of the SCC and is available to all KIT students. All you need to register is your KIT account, which you will receive when you enrol.
Learning materials are provided on the platform.
Supplementary courses
Forum | Center for Applied Cultural Studies and Studium Generale (
As a central scientific institution of the KIT, the Forum not only promotes interdisciplinary and intercultural education through its diverse range of courses, but is also specifically committed to the individual social further education of young people with its support programs.
House of Competence HoC(
For the main target group of students, the HoC offers a program of events in the area of key qualifications (SQ) comprising around 90 courses per semester in the following key areas:
- Organizing learning
- Presenting and communicating
- Working methodically
- Academic writing
- Shaping the future
Language Center at KIT(