Contacts - The 2023 yearbook

On 468 pages, the yearbook published in October 2023 documents the teaching and research of the professorships and provides an insight into the diverse faculty life.
In addition to the documentation of the professorships and the data section, which covers all the important events of the 2022/23 academic year, the yearbook is dedicated to special events and projects from the documentation period in the new "Features" section. Under the title "Contacts", the feature section brings together articles that deal with forms of university exchange. A particular focus is on the Sto Foundation's guest professorships on the subject of "Sustainable Materials for a new Architectural Pratice.
The contributions to the feature section:
Maarten Gielen, Gaspard Geerts
Guest Professorship of the Sto Foundation
Kerstin Müller, Oliver Seidel
Guest Professorship of the Sto Foundation II
Peter van Assche, Katja Hogenboom
Guest Professorship of the Sto Foundation III
Elena Boerman
RoofKIT - Carbon storage and material storage
Jens Hauser
Shrinking instead of gluing - De/Growth
Arturo Romero Carnicero
Building and planning in an international context
Sandra Böhm, Dr. Anette Busse, Dr. Manuela Gantner, Fanny Kranz, Dr. Nina Rind
M* 1:1 - *Hidden views and female perspectives
in architecture
Yearbook 2023
468 pages
17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-9816504-8-8
Read online
You can read the yearbook online here
BestandTeile - The Yearbook 2022

On 382 pages, the yearbook published in November 2022 documents the teaching and research of the professorships and provides insight into the diverse faculty life.
In addition to the documentation of the professorships and the data section, which documents all important events of the academic year 2021/22 in text and images, the yearbook is again dedicated to discourse. Under the title "BestandTeile," the Discourse section explores the fundamental question of what actually constitutes architecture. The contributions range from the (re)semantization of architectural components in architectural history to considerations of architectural theory.
The contributions of the discourse section:
Nina Rind
BestandTeile - Introduction to the Discourse
Manuela Gantner
Bestandlücken - In search of a female perspective in architectural history
Lukas Großmann
Accept or reject? Is architectural heritage to be considered a treasure or a debt?
Josep Garriga Tarrés, Prof. Simon Hartmann, Prof. Dr. Inge Hinterwaldner
Upscaling / Crafts / of Repairing
Philipp Schmider
Seminato - What can we learn from the Art of the Terrazzo alle Veneziana?
Emilie Klump, Matthis Epp, Lorenz Hanstein
The desire for the new stopped at nothing - An interview with the component dealer Florian Langenbeck
Federico Garrido
KITbashing - Design by catalogue in architecture
Sophia Schmidt
Non-physical components
Yearbook 2022
382 pages
17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-9816504-7-1
More yearbooks
Current yearbook
Price: 10 Euro
Previous yearbooks
5 Euro
Available at the
Dean's Office of the KIT Department of Architecture
Building 20.40
Room 135
Englerstrasse 7
76131 Karlsruhe
Salutogenesis - The Yearbook 2021

Published in October 2021, the 372-page yearbook documents the teaching and research of the professorships and teaching areas and provides insight into the diverse department life.
In addition to the documentation of the professorships and teaching areas and the data section, which documents all important events of the academic year 2021/21 in text and images, the yearbook is again dedicated to discourse. Under the title "Salutogenesis", the Discourse section brings together contributions on the history and theory of architecture as well as on aspects of architectural practice. Starting from the question of how architecture affects a "process of recovery" of man, society, the city, the environment, or perhaps even the planet, the articles provide an up-to-date insight into the discussions and research at the KIT Department of Architecture.
The contributions of the Discourse section:
Nina Rind
Salutogenesis - Introduction to the Discourse
Sophia Schmidt
(Retrograde) Lobotomy
Prof. Dr. Joaquín Medina Warmburg, Nina Rind, Nikolaus Koch
Architecture and Urban Infrastructure
Dr. Peter Zeile
The Urban Emotions Initiative - Building Block for a Stress-Free City?
Luciana Alanis, Nicolás Carbonare, Isabel Miño-Rodriguez, Romina Rissetto, Prof. Andreas Wagner
Good design or an emotional design?
Prof. Dr. Barbara Engel
Trimm-Dich-City: The new support programme for more urban health
Daniel Lythgoe
Recovering from Totality
Prof. Christian Inderbitzin, Prof. Dr. Joaquín Medina Warmburg
Green and Psyche in Cities
Yearbook 2021
372 pages
17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-9816504-6-4
Future Pleasures - The Yearbook 2020

On 364 pages, the yearbook published in October 2020 documents the teaching and research of the professorships and teaching areas and provides insight into the diverse department life.
In addition to the contributions from the professorships and teaching areas and the data section, which documents all the important events of the academic year 2019/20 in text and images, the yearbook is once again dedicated to discourse. Under the title "Future Pleasures", the contributions in the Discourse section explore the question of what role pleasure, delight and joy will play in architecture in the future. How is our understanding of the venustas from Vitruvius' famous triad changing in the face of the omnipresence of pressing issues such as sustainability, social and societal responsibility, resource conservation, modularization, and digitalization, all of which can be assigned to firmitas and utilitas? Which understanding of pleasure is suitable to meet the demands of sustainability and social responsibility?
The contributions of the discourse part:
Prof. Dr. Riklef Rambow - Future Pleasures - Introduction to the Discourse
Daniel Louis Lythgoe - The discomfort in pleasure
Prof. Stephen Craig - Smart but Stupid
Prof. Dr. Joaquín Medina Warmburg and Prof. Meinrad Morger - "Sensual Typologies
José Ortega y Gasset - Aesthetics in the Tramway
Jannis Bruns and Daniel Fischer - Making architecture
Yearbook 2020
Future Pleasures
364 pages
17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-9816504-5-7
Yearbook 2019
Published in July 2019, the 376-page yearbook documents the teaching and research of the departments and provides insight into the diverse department life. The Discourse section, with contributions from members of the department, is devoted this time to the significance of cyclical processes in architecture under the title "Heavy Rotation - The Recurring in Architecture". Among other things, Prof. Meinrad Morger reports on formative events that influenced his path to architecture; Bernita Le Gerrette asks whether architecture still has a future; Oliver Jehle relates Hermann Sörgel's Atlantropa project to a painting by Max Ernst; graduate Florian Bengert discusses the smartphone as an architectural machine; and Anna Krüger introduces the architect Myra Warhaftig.
Readings from the discourse section:
Prof. Meinrad Morger (Department of Building Science)
The Course of Things
Bernita Le Gerrette (Department of Architectural Theory)
Cycles, continuums and spirals - Does architecture still have a future?
Prof. Dirk Hebel, Felix Heisel and Karsten Schlesier (Department of Sustainable Building)
On reusing and recycling
Yearbook 2019
Heavy Rotation
378 pages
17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-9816504-4-0
Reality Check. Yearbook 2018 of the Department of Architecture
"With the 2018 Yearbook, the KIT Department of Architecture once again offers a look at the work of its students and teachers. In a new format, the approach was taken to present the work in the individual disciplines in a more pointed way and at the same time to create space for discussion contributions by members of the department.
This resulted in the new Discourse section, in which eleven authors express their thoughts or take a stand on the topic of Reality Check - How much practice do we need? What is interesting here is the different ways in which the topic is dealt with - ranging from the personal experience of students with practice-oriented projects during their studies to the presentation and discussion of their own teaching concepts and events by lecturers to more fundamental discussions of the question. All in all, in my view, a successful introduction to a necessary open discussion on architectural topics, which is also carried outward through the yearbook. The documentation section covers a broad range of exemplary courses and selected research projects, which impressively demonstrates the diverse range of topics covered in the individual disciplines.
It reflects content from historical and humanities subjects, design and creative subjects, as well as engineering and planning subjects, and combines a fund of discipline-specific knowledge with a variety of competencies and skills. It documents the period from April 2017 to March 2018.
The yearbook is supplemented by information on events, personalia, prizes and awards, publications, etc., as well as an overview of the department's facilities. A special highlight is the picture essay about Frei Otto's models, which at the same time refers to the great fund of the Southwest German Archive for Architecture and Civil Engineering (saai), which belongs to the KIT Department of Architecture.
With this, I now cordially invite you to look at and read the book - but not without first expressing my great thanks to all those who have contributed to the redesign and publication of the book with their commitment far beyond the daily business."
Andreas Wagner, Associate Dean of the Department
Yearbook 2018
Reality Check
400 pp.
17 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-9816504-3-3
Here is an excerpt:
Yearbook 2015
The Yearbook 2015 provides a comprehensive insight into the teaching, research and life at the Department of Architecture on 265 pages.
It was published on 28.06.2016 and - like all older editions of the yearbook - is available at the Dean's Office and the Department Library for 5,- Euro.