The Karlsruhe Architecture Lectures - Past Events

Bella Italia - wine, pasta, pizza and the Roman Empire. But Italy has much more to offer. A broad spectrum of nature, needs and architecture stretches across the country.
To mark the 10th anniversary of Skizzenwerk, we would like to invite you to a series of country-specific lectures. The question arises as to which aspects characterize the architecture in the different regions? On what scale do interventions take place? Which contemporary, constructive and socio-political themes, which problems and interests go hand in hand with the practice and characterize it?
Wednesday, 05.06.2024, 7 pm
2050+ was founded in Milan in 2020 by the architect and curator Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli. The office describes itself less as an architecture firm and more as an interdisciplinary agency that aims to unite design, technology, the environment and politics. Spatial practice is seen as a medium for developing political positions and addressing the dynamics and problems of the real world. This is also reflected in her work - including various exhibition spaces, the scenographic stage design of the theater in Bergamo and the curation of the Russian pavilion at the Architecture Biennale in Venice.
Wednesday, 12.06.2024, 7 pm
(ab)normal is an interdisciplinary architecture firm based in Milan, founded in 2018 by architects Mattia Inselvini, Davide Masserini and Luigi Savio. Architecture, product design and curation in the fields of art, culture, design, interior design and fashion are among the office's practices. The studio plays with diverse scales and formats, the virtual and the real, the ephemeral and the permanent, the speculative and the commercial. The combination of iconic elements with pop culture, as well as the integration of multidisciplinarity and technical progress define the focus of the work. The aim is to create a profound and widely understandable mosaic that is architecturally anchored in the present and conceptually responds to social change.
Wednesday, 19.06.2024, 7 pm
Founded in 2012 by Marcello Galiotto and Alessandra Rampazzo, the architecture firm AMAA is based in Venice. Research and development are among the keywords by which the office defines itself. They understand architectural practice less as a linear, one-off process and more as the continuous examination of several options, which require a critical attitude. Theory, commission and end result should be brought together in a symbiotic balance. Models, references, texts and contributions from other disciplines serve as inspiration.
Wednesday, 26.06.2024, 7 pm
Mattia Cocozza on Stefania Filo Speziale
The architect and engineer Mattia Cocozza is currently working on his post-doctoral research at the University of Naples. In 2022, he published the book "Stefania Filo Speziale. Abitare la città mediterranea". The lecture will focus on the work of the architect and professor.
Stefania Filo Speziale was the first woman to receive a degree in architecture in Naples. With her private and public buildings, she made a significant contribution to the emergence of Neapolitan modernism. Her focus on social housing is still highly relevant and important today.
Wednesday, 03.07.2024, 7 pm
Parasite 2.0
Stefano Colombo, Eugenio Cosentino and Luca Marullo founded the Parasite 2.0 office (Milan and London) in 2010, which works in the fields of architecture, design and scenography. As can be seen in their project "Concrete Jungle" for the 2023 Architecture Biennale in Venice, for example, human habitats are at the heart of their practice. Through parasitic interventions, the office temporarily appropriates places, mediates between nature and artificiality and contributes to collective use.
Further education
Recognition of the event as further education with a scope of one teaching hour for members of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects and architects/urban planners in internships for the fields of architecture, interior design and urban planning has been applied for.
Thanks to
The lecture series is supported by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects, the Association of German Architects and the KIT Faculty of Architecture.
All lectures
take place on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Fritz Haller lecture hall of the KIT Department of Architecture, Englerstraße 7, 76131 Karlsruhe.

Contacts can be dangerous. We have learnt that during the pandemic. But contacts are also essential for developing social entities, for constituting knowledge communities and for acting in a societally responsible manner. Compared to the systemically complex idea of networking, personal contact seems almost touchingly anachronistic. Nevertheless, its directness is also powerful and satisfying. In the post-pandemic period, the KIT Department of Architecture has deliberately increased the number of contacts both externally and internally. This is impressively documented in the recently published Yearbook 2023. This year's lecture series follows on from this. We have invited six personalities with whom we want to get into contact in order to be "infected": by ideas and positions that are themselves in contact with relevant realities and that establish contacts between inside and outside, nature and city, between concepts and realities, places and contexts.
Wed., 22.11.23, 19:00 h
Florian Kaiser
Atelier Kaiser Shen, Stuttgart/D
Wed., 06.12.23, 19:00 h
Lauren Dierickx
LDSRa, Ghent/BE
Wed., 13.12.23, 19:00 h
Frédéric Chartier
ChartierDalix, Paris/F
Wed., 20.12.23, 19:00 h
Alessandro Gess
l'AUC, Paris/F
Wed., 10.01.24, 19:00 h
Sebastian Lippok and Renate Walter
WALDRAP Architects, Zurich/CH
Wed., 17.01.24, 19:00 h
Jörg Finkbeiner
Partner + Partner Architects, Berlin and Baiersbronn-Obertal/D
KIT Department of Architecture
Fritz Haller Lecture Hall
Englerstaße 7
76131 Karlsruhe
Continuing education
The lectures of the event series will be recognized as continuing education by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects.
Skizzenwerk Habitat
Wie wollen wir wohnen? SKIZZENWERK Habitat sucht in der von Studierenden der KIT-Fakultät für Architektur organisierten Vortragsreihe nach Antworten auf diese offene und zugleich allgegenwärtige Frage.
Habitat als Titel und Terminus für Lebensraum definiert die Thematik des Sommersemesters 2023. Doch hierbei gilt es nicht nur eurozentrische Lösungsansätze aufzuzeigen, sondern die globale Vielfalt des Wohnens widerzuspiegeln.
Welche ortsgebundenen Anforderungen richten sich an die Architektur? Welche Gewichtung entsteht innerhalb des Entwurfs und des Büros? Welche zukunftsweisenden Ideen gibt es und wie wird sich der Wohnungsbau in Zukunft verändern?
Die Vorträge finden mittwochs um 19 Uhr im Fritz-Haller-Hörsaal, Englerstraße 7, Geb. 20.40 in Karlsruhe statt.
Clemens Russ
Querkraft [AUT]
Norihisa Kawashima
Nori Architects [JP]
Sophie Delhay
Sophie Delhay Architecte (FR)
Mi. 28.06.2023
José Toral
Peris + Toral [ESP]
Jan Schipull Kauschen
Vandkunsten [DK]
Die Vorträge der Veranstaltungsreihe werden von der Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg als Fort-/Weiterbildung mit dem Umfang von je 1 Unterrichtsstunde für Mitglieder und Architekt*innen/Stadtplaner*innen im Praktikum für alle Fachrichtungen anerkannt.
Rencontre accidentielle
At the Karlsruhe Architecture Lectures in the winter semester 2022/23, personalities and their architectural works meet. On each of the four evenings, an architect will talk about her work and pose a question to her counterpart. It forms the starting point for a dialogue with an open outcome.
Donatella Fioretti (Bruno Fioretti Marquez, Berlin)
Francesco Buzzi (Buzzi studio d'architettura, Locarno/CH)
Anne-Julchen Bernhard (BeL - Sozietät für Architektur, Cologne)
Sebastian Skovsted (Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter, Copenhagen/DK)
Jan De Vylder (architecten jan de vylder inge vinck, Ghent/B)
Stéphanie Bru (Bruther, Paris/F)
Daniel Niggli (EM2N, Zurich/CH)
Anna Popelka (PPAG architects, Vienna/A )
The lectures will take place on Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
in the Fritz-Haller-Hörsaal, Englerstraße 7, Geb. 20.40 in Karlsruhe.
Streaming via Zoom: Meeting-ID: 963 393 8137
The series is organized by the professorships City and Housing (Christian Inderbitzin) and Building Design (Simon Hartmann).
Continuing education
A recognition of the lectures of the event series as further education is planned.
SKIZZENWERK ist eine von den Architekturstudierenden des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) organisierte Vortragsreihe. In jedem Sommersemester werden ausgewählte Architektur- und Stadtplanungsbüros eingeladen, die zu einer aktuellen Themenstellung referieren, um hiermit den Diskurs anzuregen.
Im Sommersemester 2022 feiert das SKIZZENWERK sein achtjähriges Bestehen mit dem Thema CO-CREATION. CO-CREATION steht für die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zwischen Architektur und anderen Fachdisziplinen.
Wir sind müde von Projekten, deren Architektur nur dem Selbstzweck dient und möchten Projekte und Vereine vorstellen, deren Architektur der Gesellschaft einen Mehrwert bietet. Dazu laden wir Menschen ein, die jeweils einen sozialen, nachhaltigen oder gesellschaftspolitischen Schwerpunkt in ihr architektonisches Schaffen einfließen lassen, wollen ihre Sichtweisen hören und von ihnen lernen.
Die Vorträge finden mittwochs um 19 Uhr
im Hörsaal Egon Eiermann, Englerstraße 7, Geb. 20.40 in Karlsruhe statt.

Here We Are! Woman in Design 1900 – today (Titel verlinken mit:
Vitra Design Museum
Susanne Graner (DE)
Collegium Academicum, Heidelberg
Claus Sarnighausen (DE)
Seit 2013 arbeitet eine 30-köpfige ehrenamtliche Projektgruppe daran, ein selbstverwaltetes Wohnheim zu schaffen, das über 250 jungen Menschen Raum zum Leben ermöglichen soll. Aufbauend auf dem Grundgedanken des bis in die 1970er Jahre in der Heidelberger Altstadt existierenden Wohnheims "Collegium Academicum" soll ein Ort geschaffen werden, der günstiges und selbstbestimmtes Leben für Studierende, Auszubildende und Promovierende in Heidelberg ermöglicht, Demokratie erlebbar macht und dabei den kulturellen und sozialen Austausch in einem Bildungskontext fördert.
Claus Sarnighausen (*1999) studiert in Heidelberg Physik. Seit dem zweiten Semester ist er Bewohner des Selbstorganisierten Studentenwohnheims in Heidelberg. In der Projektgruppe des CAs beschäftigt er sich vor allem mit der Werkstatt, mit Strukturthemen und dem Pförtnerhäuschen neben den Wohngebäuden, das zu einem Café und Veranstaltungsraum umgenutzt werden soll.
Atelier Fanelsa (
Anna Wulf (DE)
Der Stoff aus dem Träume sind – Filmvorführung
Lotte Schreiber (AT)
Lotte Schreiber lebt als Filmemacherin, Künstlerin und Filmkuratorin in Wien. Neben Teilnahme und Auszeichnungen an zahlreichen internationalen Filmfestivals wurden ihre Werke in diversen Museen und Galerien ausgestellt, u.a. Neue Galerie Graz, Lentos Museum Linz, NSK State Pavilion an der 57. Biennale di Venezia, Kunsthaus Graz, Museum of Contemporary Art Voivodina, Novi Sad, RS, u.a.
Sie unterrichtete bis 2009 an der Kunstuniversität Linz und programmiert seit 2010 die Filmsektion Architektur&Gesellschaft am Crossing Europe Filmfestival Linz und ist seit 2020 Mitglied einer Baugruppe in Wien.
AKT/ Verein für Architektur, Kultur und Theorie
(zu vorstellenden Person noch keine Antwort) (AT)
Florian Summa (DE)
Florian Summa ist Architekt und Professor an der TU Graz. Nach seinem Studium an der RWTH Aachen und der ETH Zürich arbeitete er fünf Jahre bei Caruso St John Architects in London und Zürich. Von 2015 bis 2018 war er Assistent an der ETH-Professur von Adam Caruso, 2020 folgte eine Gastprofessur an der TU München. An der TU Graz unterrichtet er gemeinsam mit Anne Femmer von 2020 bis 2022 im Rahmen der Gastprofessur Integral Architecture. Parallel zur Lehre führen Florian Summa und Anne Femmer gemeinsam das Büro SUMMACUMFEMMER Architekt*innen. Ihre Bauten und Entwürfe verstehen sie als forschende Untersuchungen zu unterschiedlichsten Fragestellungen - vom experimentellen (Zusammen-)Wohnen, über das Konstruieren im Spannungsfeld von Ökonomie und Ambition, bis hin zu brennenden Fragen von Form, Gestalt und Ausdruck.
Die Vortragsreihe wird unterstützt von der Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg, der Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, der Sto Stiftung und der KIT-Fakultät für Architektur.
Die Vorträge der Veranstaltungsreihe werden von der Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg als Fort-/Weiterbildung mit dem Umfang von je 1 Unterrichtsstunde für Mitglieder und Architekten/Stadtplaner im Praktikum für alle Fachrichtungen anerkannt.
All Tomorrow's Places

The Karlsruhe Architecture Lectures in the winter semester 2021/22 are dedicated to the question of how architecture can contribute to the creation of a sustainable living environment. Under the title "All Tomorrow's Places", six guests from France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovenia, the Czech Republic/Slovakia and India will present their work. All presentations will be online and in English. The series is organized on behalf of the KIT Department of Architecture by the team of the Chair of Architectural Communication.
"All Tomorrow's Places" aims at an architecture that is on the one hand intelligent, mindful, sustainable, context-sensitive and socially just, and on the other hand aesthetically refined, imaginative and original. An architecture that creates delightful, memorable, strong and sensual places for diverse populations while seeking forward-thinking solutions to the existential challenges facing society as a whole and architecture in particular.
Lectures take place online via Zoom on Wednesdays at 7pm.
The lecture series is supported by feco, FSB and weisenburger.
Anupama Kundoo
Anupama Kundoo Architects
Pune, Pondicherry/IN, Berlin/DE
Anupama Kundoo is an Indian architect who studied in Mumbai and graduated from the TU Berlin. She says: "My work begins with and remains close to the deep human need to have purpose, refuge, and social engagement. It speaks through details; details that foster intimacy and variety, sensory and spatial. It is where makers engage with hand and mind to produce objects they are proud of, where they transform simple materials with care and intelligence into purposeful structures, where they are challenged to do more with less, and where they routinely exceed all expectations including their own." This year she was awarded not only the UIA Auguste Perret Prize for the use of technology in architecture, but also the RIBA Charles Jencks Award for combining theory and practice. This is unlikely to have been achieved by anyone before her.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 637 0271 1958
ID code: 849789
Ondřej Chybík & Michal Krištof
Prague, Brno/CZ, Bratislava/SK
Ondřej Chybik and Michal Krištof founded their office eleven years ago after studying and working in a wide range of European countries. Today, the office has over fifty employees in Brno, Prague and Bratislava, is dedicated to a wide range of scales, and has made cross-border work in every sense its principle. In their view, transformation and adaptation are the central challenges of contemporary architecture: architects should take an active role in urban planning and initiate changes themselves. They have recently put these principles into practice in an impressive and exemplary way in the reactivation of the Zvonarka Central Bus Terminal in Brno, a brutalist structure from the 1960s.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 684 8809 0920
identification code: 859234
Maruša Zorec
Arrea arhitektura d.o.o.
Maruša Zorec studied at the University of Ljubljana, where she has also taught since 1993, now as a professor. In 1999 she founded her office arrea in Ljubljana and realized numerous projects. Her work is deeply rooted in Slovenian tradition and develops out of an intensive examination of the existing, the location and the materials available. Her approach is regional, economical and sustainable in the broad sense, and it is precisely because of this that she succeeds in developing places of the highest significance and quality, which are now as much a part of Ljubljana as Plečnik and Ravnikar. Her uncompromisingly modern and contemporary work has been awarded every conceivable prize in Slovenia, but is also increasingly perceived as exemplary internationally, not least due to her participation in the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 631 9602 5047
ID code: 898370
David Driesen & Tom Verschueren
dmvA Architects
Tom Verschueren and David Driesen founded their office in 1997 in the Flemish city of Mechelen and called it "door middel van Architectuur", by the means of architecture. They met while doing postgraduate studies in urban planning and heritage conservation in Antwerp, and this is precisely what characterises their work: using all the conceivable possibilities of architecture to carefully yet radically develop the existing city. The result is very different, multi-layered and explicitly undogmatic buildings that work ingeniously with different materials and find surprising detailed solutions. The aim is to create places that enrich people's lives, tell stories and open up new possibilities for use. This has recently been achieved again in a particularly convincing way with the amazing nOna Kunstcentrum in Mechelen, a building that inscribes itself in the city as if it were a matter of course and creates an amazing variety of spaces on a minimal footprint.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 684 4716 8110
identification code: 942121
Umberto Napolitano
LAN (Local Architecture Network)
Umberto Napolitano studied architecture first at the Università Federico II in Naples and then in la Villette/Paris. There he founded the office Local Architecture Network with Benoit Jallon in 2002, which has grown steadily since then, has been able to realize numerous remarkable projects and has been awarded many prizes. An important part of the office concept is university teaching and theory production. For this purpose, the research laboratory RAAR was founded in 2020. Umberto Napolitano himself has taught at Columbia University New York and the Architectural Association in London, among others. In 2021, the book "Napoli Supermodern" was published by Park Books, in which he deals intensively with the architecture of his home city. This highly recommended book combines reflection on his own design development with very precise analyses of the hitherto little-studied modern architecture of Naples and its relationship to the uniquely powerful historical site: "An Investigation into the power of places in our imagination", as domus writes.
Learn more
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 666 8697 1843
ID code: 681211
15.12 21
Mechthild Stuhlmacher
Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architects
Mechthild Stuhlmacher began her education in architecture and music in Germany, graduated from the TU Delft and stayed in the Netherlands. In 2001, after working for Mecanoo and David Chipperfield among others, she founded the office Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architecten with Rien Korteknie in Rotterdam. The office has undergone a remarkable development and is now known throughout Europe for the intelligent transformation of valuable building stock. Most recently, the transformation of a baroque Dominican monastery into a public library in Mechelen, Belgium, caused a sensation. KSA work in an interdisciplinary and collaborative way and engage intensively with complex spatial, social and cultural contexts.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 661 3175 2670
ID code: 572721
Continuing Education
The lectures are recognized as continuing education events of the AKBW for all specialties in the amount of one hour.
In order to receive continuing education points, please register in advance for the lecture series using the following form. Without prior registration, recognition is unfortunately not possible.
Further information on how to obtain the certificate of attendance will then be announced at the beginning of each event. Due to the high demand, it takes four to six weeks to send out the certificates. We ask for your understanding.
Registration for continuing education credits
(Students who wish to have the event recognised as a key qualification must register using a different form. The link will be announced in the chat at the beginning of the events).
SKIZZENWERK METHODIK deals with the original idea of the lecture series. The focus here is on the various approaches to design. The field of methodology can be divided into several sub-areas. From classical tools such as the drawing or the model to research and the use of digital media, there are numerous design tools.
This methodological diversity is to be illustrated in the series of lectures and in consideration of the following questions. How do the offices develop their designs, what role does drawing play in this? What considerations do they make, how do they make decisions? What role do references play, what role does history or location play?
The lectures will take place on Wednesdays at 7 pm in Zoom.
The series is supported by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects, the STO Foundation, the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg and KIT.
Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei (LRO) is a German architectural practice based in Stuttgart. Founded in 1979 by Arno Lederer, in 1985 with Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir as another owner, and in 1992 with Marc Oei as the third owner and around 50 employees*, it became the office that today realizes diverse and multifaceted projects.
The history of building plays a decisive role in this. Places are not necessarily created through architectural reinvention; for LRO it is important to examine qualities of the existing and translate them into a contemporary, modern formal language.
LRO particularly values building with brick. It is not just a matter of using an adequate building material, but also of seeking and finding a counterpart to contemporary architecture with glass.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 696 7159 5779
ID code: 169427
The architectural practice Brandlhuber+ in Berlin has been run by Arno Brandlhuber as a "collaborative practice" since 2006. Strategic approaches such as contextualizing, orienting, opening and terracing are among the design methods the office uses to take a critical stance on architecture, urban society or German building regulations. Angelika Hinterbrandner works as a freelance editor, project manager and digital strategist - mainly, but not exclusively - in the field of architecture. She studied architecture at the Graz University of Technology and at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She recently started working with Brandlhuber+ and is also part of Kontextur, a digital magazine all about architecture.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 631 8337 4619
ID code: 501048
After working in various offices, the two architects Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan founded their own joint office in Zurich in 2007. In their buildings and projects, including smaller and larger residential buildings as well as some schools, they search for contemporary solutions to architectural problems in a charming way. Starting from personal references, the ideas are developed and examined for their effect on large models. Both partners have also served as assistants at ETH Zurich and, following visiting professorships at TU Munich and EPF Lausanne, have held a visiting professorship at Havard since 2020.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 629 1942 4730
identification code: 789470
The brothers Martin and Sven Fröhlich won first place in their first competition as "AFF" in 1998. The office AFF understands architecture as something object-like. Because of this, they aimed in their design strategy to ascribe an overriding role to the use of interpretation and metaphors in the process of design. AFF's buildings always follow observations and analyses of the qualities at hand. They ask the right questions and manage to successfully adapt them to the contemporary demands of the rapidly changing architecture of our time.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 613 1248 3414
ID code: 466155
AretzDürr is a Cologne-based architecture firm founded in 2019 by Sven Aretz and Jakob Dürr. Although the office has only been in existence since 2019, their projects have already caused quite a stir and received several awards, for example: 1st prize at Häuser des Jahres 2020, Gold Winner Best Architects 2021 and Shortlist DAM Preis 2021. AretzDürr's architecture is characterized by a reduced use of materials and simple construction methods. In addition to their office, the two are employed at the Chair of Building Construction at RWTH Aachen University.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 610 9508 6666
ID code: 723967
Harquitectes is an international architectural studio managed by David Llorente Ibáñez, Josep Ricard Ulldemolins, Xavier Ros Majó and Roger Tudó Galí. It was established in 2000. Since then they have won several prizes and their work has been published in several magazines like El Croquis, Domus etc.. With their work they make commitments to both social and environmental problematic issues. For them, the energy efficiency is an independent common element to each new proposal of construction.
Meeting ID: 640 7323 0368
Identification code: 685532
Since 2016, the Berlin-based office collective c/o now has been involved in imagining and realizing objects, architecture and urbanity as much as in the editorial revision of related topics. Besides architecture, c/o now is involved in various publications. Moreover, the office is and has been involved in teaching at several institutions and formats. "c/o" contrasts the spatial with the temporal location "now". It resembles the radical pragmatic orientation towards the present as the most concrete starting point for imagining the past and future for a better being.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 656 4661 4656
ID code: 388316
Continuing Education
The lectures are recognized as continuing education events of the AKBW for all specialties to the extent of one hour. More detailed information on how to obtain a certificate of attendance will be provided at the beginning of each event. Due to the high demand, it takes four to six weeks to send out the certificates. We ask for your understanding.
Online lectures in winter 2020/21
Two online lecture series will take place in the winter semester 2020/21: In November the series "Skizzenwerk Symbiose" organized by students, in January the series "ars et architectura" of the professorships Building Theory and Building Construction.
The lectures take place on Wednesdays at 7 pm.
ars et architectura
The social reputation of architecture has undergone a dramatic paradigm shift over the last decades. While the original meaning was a craft-based occupation, such as a functionally necessary but also aesthetic engagement of man with the built environment, the profession is increasingly evolving towards service, project management or façade design.
The current increased demand for rationalization and efficiency leaves less and less space and time for the occupation with handcrafted spaces, constructions, details and joints.
The poorer this preoccupation becomes and the more digitalisation changes our professional image, the more important it seems to us to engage with the elementary values and practices of craftsmanship in teaching in order to cultivate the fundamental knowledge of craftsmanship anew.
We would like to enrich this year's lecture series with the architectural contributions of our speakers on socially relevant questions of an identity-forming, sensual architecture that is shaped by craftsmanship and materials, but also sustainable. Pointy positions are just as important as different perspectives and contradictions.
The lectures will take place on Wednesdays at 19:00.
Peter Haimerl.Architecture, Munich
Peter Haimerl
Peter Haimerl (born 1961) is a German architect. In 1991 he founded his own office in Munich, focusing on projects that push the boundaries of conventional architecture. His claim is to design unconventional solutions and develop innovations with every project. His office creates concepts in which architecture merges with fields such as computer programming, sociology, economics, politics or art. For more than thirty years, Peter Haimerl has been developing architectural proposals and solutions under the zoomtown label that push the networking of major cities, especially on a European level.
To the recording of the lecture on YouTube.
Innauer-Matt Architects, Bezau
Markus Innauer and Sven Matt
Bezau in Vorarlberg is home to the architectural practice of the two partners Markus Innauer and Sven Matt, which they founded in 2013. Even before founding the firm, they had already realised their own projects and were making a name for themselves with their joint architecture in a clear and sensitive architectural language. For them, it is essential to fit in well with the respective surroundings and to tie in with the local building tradition. Through the consistent use of local building materials, their buildings convey not only a reduced, formal severity, but also a cheerful serenity communicated through fine details in material and form.
To the recording of the lecture on YouTube.
Architect's office Patrick Thurston, Bern
Patrick Thurston,
The spectrum of Patrick Thurston's architectural practice is broad. The office was founded in 1994 by its namesake in Bern. Building as a cultural task influences the thematic requirements, which range from constructive details to the great dialogue between man and architecture as well as architecture and landscape. In this context, architecture conditions the dialogue within the construction tasks from various fields, ranging from monument protection to cultural buildings and zoo architecture.
To the recording of the lecture on YouTube.
Armin Pedevilla
For the brothers Armin and Alexander Pedevilla, building means consciously dealing with social, cultural, economic and ecological components of everyday life. The integration of a building into existing local structures plays just as important a role as responding to the respective temperature and climate influences. In this context, the issue of consistency becomes an important factor in planning decisions that are national or international.
To the recording of the lecture on YouTube.
Angela Deuber Architects, Zurich
Angela Deuber
Angela Deuber Architects (ADA) is an international architecture studio based in Zurich, Switzerland. Angela Deuber founded ADA in 2006, having graduated from ETH Zurich in 2002. ADA's works exhibit a clear commitment to the culture of construction, defined by a willful architectural character possessing a strong material and tectonic identity. ADA's architecture is characterized by unobscured rules being transferred into clear-cut structures while honoring the beauty of distinct elements and nature. ADA's projects respond to the challenges of the 21st century, offering economical solutions coupled with substantial flexibility. They are precise in thought and execution, creating enduring and timeless architecture.
Chair of Building Theory, Prof. Meinrad Morger
Chair of Building Construction, Prof. Ludwig Wappner
Exhibition for the lecture series (subject to change)
Foyer ground floor in front of the Haller lecture hall
14.12.2020 – 12.02.2020
This series is sponsored by the Wüstenrot Foundation and the Sto Foundation.
SKIZZENWERK is a lecture series organized by students of the KIT Department of Architecture. SKIZZENWERK SYMBIOSE deals with symbiotic relationships in architecture, in the sense of living together, coming together and working together. Our built environment is shaped by diverse actors who help determine architecture, city and landscape. What is the role of architects? How is the relationship to other disciplines defined? What emerges from the various collaborations?
Hesselbrand (UK/NO)
Hesselbrand's work include a wide spectrum of arts, cultural, hospitality and residential projects, spanning a range of scales from furniture, interiors and temporary installations to permanent buildings.
Arch+ (DE)
Anh Linh Ngo
ARCH+ is an independent, conceptual magazine for architecture and urbanism. The name is also its program: more than architecture. Each quarterly issue takes an in-depth look at a particular topic, taking up current discussions from other disciplines with regard to architectural and urbanistic issues. Founded in the wake of the 1968 upheaval, ARCH+ focuses on the critical reflection of architecture's social aspirations.
Block Research Group (CH)
Mariana Popescu
Dr. Mariana Popescu is post-doctoral researcher at the Block Research Group (BRG) at the Institute of Technology in Architecture at ETH Zurich, involved in the NCCR Digital Fabrication. Popescu is an architect with a strong interest in innovative ways of approaching the fabrication process and use of materials. Her research focuses on the development of KnitCrete, a novel, material-saving, labour-reducing, cost-effective formwork system for casting of doubly-curved geometries in concrete using 3D knitting. She is the main author of the award-winning KnitCandela shell and has been included in the MIT Technology Review Innovator Under 35 list in 2019.
Watch the recording of the talk on YouTube
Philippe Rahm architectes (FR)
Philippe Rahm
Philippe Rahm (born 1967) is a Swiss architect, director in the office of "Philippe Rahm Architectes" based in Paris, France. His work, which expands the field of architecture from physiological to meteorological, has received an international audience in the context of sustainability.
To the recording of the lecture on YouTube
The lecture series is supported by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects, the
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, the Sto Foundation and the KIT Department of Architecture.
Lectures in the summer semester 2020
There will be two online lectures during the summer semester 2020.
July 16, 2020, 6:00 p.m.
Andreas Bründler
Buchner Bründler Architects, Basel
29 July 2020, 18:00
Tim Heide
Heide & von Beckerath, Berlin
double exposure
The lecture series in the winter semester deals with the duality of practice and science that characterizes the work of some architects. How do the two areas influence each other? Does professional practice feed on academic research? What role do different outcomes play in architectural production such as buildings and books?
Six great colleagues give us an insight into their specific practice, teaching and research.
The lecture series is conceived and organized by the departments of Design and Building Planning (Prof. Simon Hartmann) and Space and Design (Prof. Marc Frohn).
The lectures will take place on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Fritz-Haller-Hörsaal, Englerstraße 7, Geb. 20.40 in Karlsruhe.
The lectures of the series of events are offered by the Chamber of Architects of Baden-Württemberg as further education for members and architects/urban planners.for members and architects/urban planners in internship for all disciplines.
27 November 2019
Studio Muoto, Paris
Gilles Delalex
MUOTO is an architectural office based in Paris, founded by Gilles Delalex and Yves Moreau in 2003. Its activities cover the fields of architecture, urbanism, design and scientific research. Muoto means form in Finnish.Muoto's work often features minimal structures made of rough materials, as a means to combine different activities, and merge economical as well as aesthetic issues. Vertical diversity as an articulation between building and city scales is a recurrent figure in Muoto's projects. The office has been rewarded by several prizes, such as Holcim Awards 2014, Equerre d'Argent 2016, and Bauwelt 2017.(
December 4, 2019
Jack Self, London
I am an architect, but not in the traditional sense. Of course, I have the qualifications and experience. I am registered, and I predominantly design domestic spaces. Nonetheless, my practice is expansive, interdisciplinary and non-disciplinary. It is not, however, undisciplined. I demand from myself the highest standards of rigour and precision, while at turns resisting and indulging in inactivity and reflection. I am most at peace when in the sea on my back, observing the horizon.
December 11, 2019
Bow-Wow Studio, Tokyo
Momoyo Kaijima
Founded by Yoshiharu Tsukamoto and Momoyo Kaijima in Tokyo in 1992, Atelier Bow-Wow is one of the most interesting and versatile recent architectural practices. The architects' oeuvre includes more than 40 residential buildings, public buildings and numerous installations created in the context of exhibitions and biennials. Urban planning analyses, theoretical writings and academic research also form an important part of their work.(
December 18, 2019
Izaskun Chinchilla, Madrid
Izaskun Chinchilla graduated in architecture in 2001 at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). She is driving her own office since 2001 in Madrid. Besides that she has long and deep experience in education. She is Senior Teaching Fellow and Researcher in Barlett School of Architecture (UCL London, UK). She also taught in Ecole Special (Paris, France) and in HEAD University (Geneva, Switzerland). She was Studio Professor at the University of Alicante (Escuela de Arquitectura Universidad de Alicante) from 2002 to 2007. Recently she teaches at Madrid University (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) and in Instituto de Empresa (Madrid, Spain).(
15 January 2020
Point Supreme, Athens
Konstantinos Pantazis
'Everything leads us to believe that there exists a certain point in the mind at which life and death, the real and the imaginary, the past and the future, the communicable and the incommunicable, the high and the low, construction and destruction, cease to be perceived in terms of contradiction. Surrealist activity, therefore, would be searched in vain for any other motive than the hope of determining this point'.
Point Supreme Architects was founded in Rotterdam in 2008 by Konstantinos Pantazis and Marianna Rentzou and is now based in Athens. Their work integrates research, architecture, urbanism, landscape and urban design.
29 January 2020
Kersten Geers,
OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen was founded in 2002 by Kersten Geers and David Van Severen. OFFICE is renowned for its idiosyncratic architecture, in which realisations and theoretical projects stand side by side. The projects are direct, spatial and firmly rooted in architectural theory. The firm reduces architecture to its very essence and most original form: a limited set of basic geometric rules is used to create a framework within which life unfolds out in all its complexity.
Since its establishment OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen has earned a reputation as one of Belgium's most successful and renowned practices, and one of the world's truly original voices in present-day architecture.(
Inaugural Lecture Winter 2019/20
Prof. Simon Hartmann
Department of Design and Building Planning
Wednesday, 22.01.2020, 7:00 p.m.
Fritz Haller Lecture Hall
A new name for the lecture series
The lecture series of the KIT Department has been renamed from "Monday Series on Wednesdays" to "Karlsruhe Architecture Lectures" for the summer semester 2019.
Fritz Haller Lecture Hall
Englerstr. 7
Building 20.40
76131 Karlsruhe
each at 19:00
SKIZZENWERK Shaping Society
SKIZZENWERK is a lecture series organized by the architecture students of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Every summer semester, selected architecture and urban planning offices are invited to lecture on a current topic in order to stimulate discourse. In the summer semester 2019, SKIZZENWERK celebrates its fifth anniversary with the theme SHAPING SOCIETY.
SHAPING SOCIETY focuses on the architectural approach to social and political issues. How can architecture initiate changes in social structures and be an impulse for change in existing social structures? Can architecture exert influence? Can it connect, create added value, support, invite to participate and create balance? Can architecture be political and thus shape society?
The lectures in the series of events arerecognised bythe Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects as further education with the scope of1 teaching hour each for members and architects/urban planners in practical training for all disciplines.
Wednesdays, 6 p.m. in the Egon-Eiermann lecture hall.
May 29.
Joshua Bolchover
June 5
Anika Neubauer
12 June
Winy Maas
19 June
Marius Gantert
June 26
Peter Weigand
Alexander Romans
July 10
Tatiana Bilbao
Subject to change without notice.
The lecture series is supported by the KIT Department of Architecture, the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects, the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, and the Sto Foundation.
reality check
The path to independent architectural practice has never been easy, but today young architects seem to face particularly demanding challenges. Therefore, the lecture series of the KIT Department of Architecture, following the discourse topic of the current yearbook, is dedicated to the question of how it is possible under current conditions to develop a clear architectural position in one's own office and to realize high-quality projects. Seven younger offices from Germany and Switzerland will discuss the strategies, forms of organization and approaches to content that enable them to make a relevant contribution of their own to the current architectural discourse.
The lectures always take place on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Egon Eiermann lecture hall, Englerstraße 7, in Karlsruhe.
The lectures of the event seriesarerecognized bythe Chamber of Architects of Baden-Württemberg as continuing education with the amount of1 teaching hour each for members and architects/urban planners in internship for all disciplines.
Elke Reichel
Reichel Schlaier, Stuttgart
Silvia Schellenberg-Thaut
Studio ST, Leipzig
Henning von Wedemeyer
TRU, Berlin
Thomas Willemeit
Graft, Berlin
Reem Almannai
Almannai Fischer, Munich
22.01.19 (Tuesday! / replacement date for 19.12.18)
Christoph Heinemann
ifau, Berlin
The lecture byAnne Kaestle (Duplex, Zurich/CH) originally planned for 28.11.2018 unfortunately has to be cancelled.
The series is supported by Jung and FSB.
Concept: Department of Architectural Communication (Prof. Riklef Rambow).
In the summer semester 2018, the lecture series "Skizzenwerk" will again take place at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. This year, under the title "Zeitgeist", it deals with future-oriented, sustainable and interdisciplinary architecture. The lectures in the series take a look at current social upheavals and their effects on the fields of architecture and design. For this purpose, we have invited offices that are trying to further develop architecture as we know it.
The varied supporting programme of the series offers the opportunity to talk to international architects in a relaxed atmosphere.
2 May 2018
Tatjana Schneider
spatial agency
May 9, 2018
Peter van Assche
bureau SL
May 16, 2018
Achim Menges
Institute for Computational Design and Construction, University of Stuttgart
May 23, 2018
Ilias Papageorgiou
May 30, 2018
Fernando Menis (Fernando Menis)
June 14, 2018 (Thursday!)
Matthias Hollwich
Hollwich Kushner
All lectures (except one) Wednesdays, 7:00pm.
Egon Eiermann Lecture Hall
Building 20.40
Englerstraße 7
Department Talks / Guest Lectures

With the "Department Talks", the department introduces a new event format. Dean Georg Vrachliotis invites new professors of the department to a public talk to discuss their ideas about architecture, working at an architecture department and much more.
Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.
Green Grotto (Room 104)
Building 20.40
Englerstraße 7
08 November 2017
Prof. Dirk Hebel (Sustainable Building)
22 November 2017
Prof. Meinrad Morger (Building Science)
06 December 2017
Prof. i.V. Andreas Krawczyk (Building Design)
Guest Lectures:
Building 20.40, Egon-Eiermann Lecture Hall
VisitingProfessor Job Floris(Monadnock)
International Visiting Professorship in WiSe 2017/18
Monadnock is a Rotterdam based architecture practice, active in designing, researching, writing and conversing within the field of architecture, urbanism, interior and staging. This includes the space of the street, the city and the interior. Monadnock works on contemporary buildings, consciously embedding architecture in the cultural production of our generation by examining themes such as the contemporary & tradition, convention & banality, constructive logic & illusionary representation. Intrigued by the use of historical precedents as well as contemporary visual culture, handicraft & technology and seeking interaction with other disciplines. Monadnock aims for an architecture that combines beauty, efficiency and the transfer of architectural knowledge.
Monadnock is internationally known for realizing tailor-made contemporary buildings, among which a considerable number of public buildings. Such as a beach pavilion on the River Maas and a huge 'Make No Little Plans' installation. Currently, Monadnock is involved in the design process of a new visitors' centre for De Hoge Veluwe National Park, a tower-house and several housing projects.
Wednesday, 10 January 2018, 7:00 pm
Office Miller & Maranta, Quintus Miller
Miller & Maranta is a Swiss architectural practice based in Basel. It was founded by the architects Quintus Miller (* 1961, Aarau) and Paola Maranta (* 1959, Chur). The two came into contact with Analogue Architecture, which was influenced by Aldo Rossi, during their architectural studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich in the design studio of Fabio Reinhart and Miroslav Šik.[1] After various joint projects from 1989 onwards, the permanent collaboration in the joint office began in 1994. The built works, such as the Voltaschulhaus Basel, the Markthalle Färberplatz in Aarau, the residential building Schwarzpark in Basel, the restoration and extension of the Villa Garbald in Castasegna or the Old Hospice on the Gotthard Pass, have been widely published and awarded [1].
Wednesday, January 17, 2018, 7:00 p.m.
The Block Research Group (BRG) at the Institute of Technology in Architecture at ETH Zurich,
Prof. Dr. Philippe Block
The Block Research Group (BRG) at the Institute of Technology in Architecture at ETH Zurich is led by Prof. Dr. Philippe Block and Dr. Tom Van Mele. Research at the BRG focuses on several core areas, including analysis of masonry structures, graphical analysis and design methods, computational form finding and structural design, discrete element assemblies, and fabrication and construction technologies. The central goals of our geometry-based approach are to understand the real demands of complex structural design and engineering problems and to develop new algorithms and efficient, accessible tools for structurally informed design.
The Guest Lectures are recognized by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects as continuing education with the scope of 1 teaching hour each for members and architects/urban planners in internship for all disciplines.
Farewell Lecture Winter 2017/18
Rembrandt's Night Watch
Egon-Eiermann Lecture Hall
Inaugural Lectures Summer 2017
Inaugural Lecture
Prof. Dirk Hebel
Department of Sustainable Building
Wednesday 07.06.2017, 19:00 to 21:00
Building 20.40 / Egon-Eiermann lecture hall
Inaugural Lecture
Prof. Meinrad Morger
Department of Building Science
Wednesday 21.06.2017, 19:00 to 21:00
Building 20.40 / Egon-Eiermann lecture hall
A total of ten weekly lectures are scheduled, with a special focus on Nordic architecture and design.
The SKIZZENWERK itself, deals with a regularly recurring problem of design presentations:
Architects are forced to present their design process to clients as a linear development and the design as the only correct solution to the building task. This leads to the fact that lectures do not go beyond the status of a pure, self-confirming picture show to an expert audience and interested laymen.
The potential to communicate knowledge about the processes of creation of our built environment to colleagues, the next generation of planners and to lay people is thereby not exploited. The focus will therefore be on the everyday, the discarded variants, sketches, working models - everything that makes the special in the work of the invited architects possible in the first place.
In addition to exciting insights into the working methods of the invited offices, every visitor will therefore have the opportunity to gain a new perspective on the development processes behind the finished building and their own city.
The student body of architecture hereby cordially invites all interested parties to the Monday series (every Wednesday) taking place in the department.
03 May 2017
Sigurd Larsen (Berlin)
10 May 2017
COBE (Copenhagen)
17 May 2017
Schaumann & Nordgren (Copenhagen/Helsinki)
24 May 2017
JAJA (Copenhagen)
31 May 2017
Snohetta (Oslo)
June 14, 2017
Reiulf Ramstad (Oslo)
June 28, 2017
COAST (Copenhagen)
July 05, 2017
Norron (Copenhagen)
Inaugural and Farewell Lectures Winter 2016/17
Inaugural Lectures
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Zöller: "From New Building to Existing Building - Detailed Planning for Architects".
Dipl.-Ing. Philip Kurz: "Can't the old building go?"
Honorary professors at the IEB and at the master's course in the restoration of old buildings.
Wednesday 02.11.2016, 18:00 to 20:00
Building 20.40 / Egon-Eiermann lecture hall
Farewell lecture
Prof. Walter Nägeli - Department of Building Planning
Wednesday 25.01.2017, 18:30 to 20:00
Building 20.40 / Egon-Eiermann lecture hall and foyer
The Monday series on Wednesdays is organized in the winter semester 16/17 by the Wüstenrot Foundation in cooperation with the Department of Architectural Communication. It focuses on contemporary Slovenian architecture. This is concentrated in the capital Ljubljana and has undergone an extremely dynamic development in recent years. Ljubljana, a city the size of Karlsruhe, now has a large number of young, innovative architectural offices whose work has an international impact. Fascinatingly, virtually all of the key players were educated at the local architecture department; Ljubljana will therefore be examined as an example of an architectural city in which local roots and global orientation are combined in a unique way.
16.11.2016, 16-18 h (!)
Spela Videčnik, OFIS Arhitekti, (Ljubljana/Paris)
Inspiring limitations
30.11.2016 (tbc).
Prof. Aleš Vodopivec, University of Ljubljana
Plečnik, Ravnikar and the Ljubljana School of Architecture
Prof. Tomaž Krušec, ARK Arhitektura Krušec, Ljubljana
Pictures in Concrete
Vasa J Perović, bevk perović arhitekti, Ljubljana
Speech is Shaped Breath
Aljoša Dekleva, dekleva gregorič arhitekti, Ljubljana
RE* - *search *think *act *make
Boštjan Vuga, SADAR+VUGA, Ljubljana
All lectures (except 16.11.16): 18-20 h, KIT, Geb. 20.40, Hörsaal Egon Eiermann
The lectures will be held in English. Subject to minor changes.
Organizer: Department of Architectural Communication, Prof. Dr. Riklef Rambow
Inaugural and Farewell Lectures Summer 2016
Inaugural Lecture
Tidying Up - Confessions of the Present
Prof. Dr. Oliver Jehle (Art History)
Farewell Lecture
Prof. Daniele Marques (Building Theory)
Wednesday, 18:00 h
Lecture Hall Egon Eiermann
Live, Love, Arch - Towards a Methodical Optimism
Architecture. What is it today? Who or what unites under this term? Many forms, diverse styles and many more opinions. But they all have one thing in common: whether good or bad, they are built environment.
Live Love Arch aims to rediscover the love for the built environment and to show potentials for future building tasks. What fascinates us as architects about architecture, what do we love about it and what should those outside the field see in it? Who, if not we, can ask these questions and also answer them self-critically?
We have learned to love architecture during our studies. Future students should do the same here in Karlsruhe and elsewhere; and to initiate this process, we would like to throw the question into the room and ask our guests: Do you (still) love architecture? If so, why? What do you love about it? We want to ask, why do you make architecture? And why do you make it exactly the way you do? What drives you?
Live Love Arch wants to reclaim a piece of poetry for our everyday life, by no means romanticizing, but looking into the future, poetically progressive, in order to rediscover the (forgotten) potentials of architecture, to open up new potentials and thus improve the current state!
April 27, 2016
modulorbeat (Münster)
04 May 2016
somethingfantastic (Berlin)
18 May 2016
falaatelier (Porto)
25 May 2016
1024architecture (Paris)
01 June 2016
BeL (Cologne)
Thursday (!), 09 June 2016
Numen (Berlin, Vienna, Zagreb)
15 June 2016
Dogma (Brussels)
22 June 2016
Atelier Kempe Thill Rotterdam, NL
06 July 2016
Gramazio Kohler Research (ETH, Zurich)
(Almost) always wednesdays, 18:00 o'clock
Lecture Hall Egon Eiermann
The lecture series is supported by:
Sto Foundation, Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg, Foundation Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Vectorworks
On the website of the lecture series you will find
videos of all lectures:
Expanded Architecture
In a globally and digitally networked society, the opportunities, but also the challenges for architecture are shifting. As early as 1967, Hans Hollein noted in "Everything is Architecture" that "limited definitions and traditional definitions of architecture and its means [have] largely lost their validity today." His call at the time for the inclusion of all media, such as "television", "artificial climate" or "telephone", is currently gaining renewed explosive force: the real environment is increasingly expanding to include media spaces, causing both processes of dissolution and expansion.
In the planned lecture series "Expansions", the self-image of the professional field is therefore up for debate in order to highlight current tendencies and offer students new perspectives. The search is on for the social spaces of architecture in the here and now: How can the role of the architect be defined in the 21st century? The invited guests come from different disciplines and deal with architectural as well as artistic and social concerns. A broad spectrum is presented, which puts current possibilities of action up for discussion and reflection.
Martin Fritz(Vienna)
Encounter zone of disciplines: Working on the City
The city is currently the common denominator of a wide variety of design disciplines. It can be stated that the forms of expression of art in public space, socio-cultural practice, community work, advanced open space planning, experimental architecture, social design, political activism, urban ethnography and many other "field studies" are now similar, overlapping and complementary. The public space of the city has thus also become a meeting zone of disciplines.
Markus Miessen (Berlin/Los Angeles)
Daniel Kerber(Hamburg/Berlin)
MORE THAN SHELTERS: Innovative Design and Architecture Concepts for Refugee Camps
Kristina Schinegger(Vienna)
Vague Operations
The series is organized in WiSe 2015/16 by the Department of Architectural Theory Prof. Georg Vrachliotis and takes place in the context of the event series "Forum Architektur" of the Wüstenrot Foundation.
In the summer semester 2015, the lecture series was conceived and organized by the architecture student council.
Wilfried Wang,Hoidn Wang Partner
Markus Bader,raumlaborberlin
Thomas Schneider,Brandlhuber+Emde, Schneider
Mark Blaschitz,Splitterwerk
Stefan Behnisch,Behnisch Architects
Tobias Wallisser,LAVA
Nanni Grau & Frank Schönert,Hütten&Paläste
Marc Frohn,FAR frohn&rojas
Gilles Retsin,Gilles Retsin Architecture
Caroline Nagel, COBE
Building culture in the Alpine region
Prof. Urs-Peter Menti,Head of ZIG, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (CH), New Monte Rosa Hut Island Solution with Mainland Potential
Georg Bechter,Georg Bechter Architektur+Design, Langenegg (A), 'Start up' - Is 'sustainability' inflationary?
Markus Thurnher,Fink Turnier Architekten, Bregenz (A), Sustainable Building in a Regional Context
Verena Konrad,Director vai, Dornbirn (A), Building Culture in Vorarlberg - Designing Living Spaces with Architecture
Helmut Krapmeier,Energy Institute Vorarlberg, Dornbirn (A), 'Guard rails' for sustainable building
Werner Weiss,AEE INTEC, Gleisdorf (A), From self-assembly groups to grid-connected solar settlements
Roland Gruber,nonconform Architektur vor ort, Vienna (A), "They will love us or declare us crazy": The 'vor-ort-ideenwerkstatt' (on-site ideas workshop)
Prof. Jörg Schröder,Landraum, Munich (D), Vernacular Intelligence - Alpine Building Culture and Regional Craftsmanship
Bernardo Bader,Architect DI Bernardo Bader, Dornbirn (A), Place and People
Martin Rauch,Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst AG, Schlins (A), Built Landscape - New Architecture from Rammed Clay
"We need to talk: theory, practice, communication".
In the summer semester 2013, the lecture series entitled "We need to talk: Theory, Practice, Communication" was organized by the Department of Architectural Communication with Prof. Riklef Rambow.
It is intended to explore the question of what role theoretical reflection and communication with clients, users and the public play for the design and realisation of architecture under the conditions of today's professional practice. The question refers to the specific structure of the Institute of Design, Art and Theory (EKUT) at KIT.
To this end, representatives of seven younger offices, which are characterized by a clear position of their own and a successful practice, will provide insight into their work in compact lectures. Each lecture will be followed by a moderated discussion. The events will take place on Wednesdays from 7 p.m. in the lecture hall Egon Eiermann, building 20.40, Englerstraße 7.
Stephan Birk,Birk, Heilmeyer and Frenzel Architects, Stuttgart
Bart Lens,studio Lens°Ass Architecten, Hasselt/BE
Claudia Meixner/Florian Schlüter,Meixner Schlüter Wendt, Frankfurt a.M.
Benedikt Schulz,Schulz & Schulz Architekten, Leipzig
Ritz Ritzer,bogevischs buero architekten & stadtplaner, Munich
Florian Nagler,Florian Nagler Architects, Munich
Christian Brückner, Brückner& Brückner Architects, Tirschenreuth/Würzburg
WEITER BAUEN - Positions on Building in Existing Contexts
Most building projects are located in built environments and the question of how to deal with existing substance is becoming increasingly important. What potential do historic buildings offer? The term historic must be seen in this context up to the recent past. Especially the handling of the often unloved buildings of post-war modernism up to the eighties is increasingly topical. How can existing buildings be adapted to changed uses and energy requirements, or how can they be sensibly extended? What design, construction and economic solutions are there?
In the winter semester 2010/11, the Department of Structures, headed by Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Pfeifer at the KIT Institute of Design and Building Technology, will therefore organize the traditional Monday series at the Department of Architecture on the topic"weiter BAUEN - Positionen zum Bauen im Bestand".
On a total of 10 dates, we invite representatives from selected architecture and engineering offices to give topic-related work reports. The lectures will take place on Mondays at 6:00 p.m. in the Egon-Eiermann lecture hall in the KIT architecture building.
Volker Staab,Staab Architects, Berlin
Florian Lichtblau,Lichtblau Architects, Munich
Micheal Schumacher,Schneider+Schumacher, Frankfurt am Main
Stephan Schütz,von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Berlin
Stefan Forster,Stefan Forster Architekten, Frankfurt am Main
Jan van der Velden-Volkmann,SVV Architects, Heidelberg
Johannes Kuehn, Juehn Malvezzi, Berlin
Quintus Miller,Miller & Maranta, Basel
Karl Frey,Eichstätt Diocesan Building Office, Eichstätt
Alexander Schwarz,David Chipperfield Architects, Berlin
Scenographic landscapes
In the summer semester 2010, the lecture series was organized by the Department of Architectural Theory with Prof. Werner Sewing.
Architecture seems to have become a decisive creator of urban scenographies. Through it, central locations develop into commercial and cultural magnets. Even the identity of cities is supposed to be created by it. Postmodernism had already made this claim to the architectural definition of the genius loci. Architecture, according to their credo, is the spatial-aesthetic medium of urbanity, more than just containers for consumption, be it the mall, the cinema, the museum or the concert hall.
Since then, architecture has visibly developed into a consumable object: consumer culture needs attention and architecture can provide this framework. Brand polarization as part of this culture is on its way to function as a new strategy of urban planning.
Our event series "Scenographic Landscapes" is about the role of architecture as an identity provider for space, for urban landscapes. When Shakespeare manifested his famous "all the world's a stage", he reserved for the architect the role of stage designer. The urban drama of our time, however, obviously demands more from architects and urban planners.
If we look at the trendsetting effects of a Renaissance piazza, an 18th-century English landscape garden, the world exhibitions of the 19th century or the theme parks of the 20th century, the task of architecture seems to be defined by the creation of dream worlds - which can sometimes also turn into horror scenarios.
The fusion of consumption and entertainment in a designed, controlled backdrop and associated artificial atmosphere, is arguably a double-edged achievement. The seductive countenance of the architect as urban Romeo gives him hope for more, such as acting as the author of the script, as a kind of Shakespeare. Will we, as inhabitants of the city, end up playing only the role assigned to us by the directors Rem or Zaha? At Potsdamer Platz, and even more so in the Autostadt Wolfsburg, we are the first actors who even pay to be part of the show "urbanity". This is exactly what Charles Moore had already correctly observed in the 60s: "You have to pay for the public life". A short time later he became one of the protagonists of postmodernism.
How far does this theme really reach into urban planning areas, what methods are used? Is it possible that a new philosophy is developing? What are the intended, but above all the unintended consequences of these "scenographic landscapes"? What exactly distinguishes Düsseldorf from Disneyland?
Panel discussion:
Gesa Mueller von der Haegen, architect / scenographer, Karlsruhe
Stephan Trüby, Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich/CH
to the video
Édouard François, Édouard François Architecte, Paris/F
HG Merz, hg merz architekten museum designers, Stuttgart, Berlin
to the video
Wolfgang Ullrich, art science and media theory, Karlsruhe University of Design
Ludwig Wappner, Allmann Sattler Wappner Architects, Munich
to the video
Enrique Sobejano, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, Madrid/E
Donatella Fioretti, Bruno Fioretti Marquez Architects, Berlin
to the video
Christian Welzbacher, critic / publicist, Berlin
Manuel Herz, Manuel Herz Architects, Basel/CH
Eyal Weizman, Research Centre, London/UK