Short profile
Degree Type: | Master of Science (M.Sc.) |
Standard period of study: | 4 semesters (full-time study) |
Credit points (ECTS): | 120 credit points |
Language of instruction: | German or English |
Admission restriction: | yes |
Master's degree in architecture
The Master's programme in Architecture comprises four semesters. After passing the final examination, it concludes with the Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Architecture. A total of 120 ECTS credits must be earned for this degree. During the course of study, the scientific qualifications acquired in the Bachelor's programme are to be further deepened.
A wide range of courses for this purpose is provided by four institutes with their respective professorships and teaching areas.
In many respects, the Master's programme corresponds to project studies. Thus, in each semester, a project including a thematic deepening is to be worked on.
Overall, students have a great deal of freedom of choice in selecting the project topics. There is also a wide range of options when it comes to taking courses.
However, it is advisable to seek academic advice before selecting courses, which supports students in drawing up an individual study plan in terms of possible profiling up to the master's thesis.
The examination regulations and the study plan based on them contain all binding specifications for the study programme.
The standard period of study is four semesters. In addition to the courses, it includes participation in compulsory excursions, examinations and the Master's thesis.
In principle, the study programme is divided into modules. Each module can consist of one or more courses, which are concluded by one or more examinations.
The scope of each module is marked by credit points, which are credited after successful completion of the module.
Click to download the study plan of the study regulations 2021
Application and admission
Application is possible for the winter and summer semester.
Application deadline: July 15 for the winter semester, January 15 for the summer semester.
The Master's program is admission-restricted.
All application documents must be be uploaded in digital form (PDF) in the application portal. Submission in paper form is not possible. This also applies to the design or project portfolio.
Prerequisites for admission to the master's program in architecture at KIT:
1. bachelor degree
a passed* bachelor's degree (or at least an equivalent degree) in the study program Architecture (or a study program with essentially the same content) at a university, university of applied sciences or university of cooperative education or at a foreign university. The studies must have been completed within a standard period of study of at least three years and with a minimum number of 180 ECTS credits,
2. minimum knowledge and minimum achievements in the areas**:
- Design to the extent of 60 LP, of which one urban design project to the extent of at least 10 LP.
- Building technology to the extent of 30 LP
- Theoretical and historical foundations to the extent of 20 LP
- Design and representation to the extent of 20 LP and
- Urban and landscape planning to the extent of 15 LP.
The assignment of the achievements in the Bachelor's program to the areas must be made by the applicant on a form.
3. internship***
A twelve-week full-time internship in an architectural office or in a structural engineering department of an office or a large company.
4. German or english language skills
for applicants whose native language is not German or English, proof of sufficient knowledge of the German or English language according to the requirements of the admission and matriculation regulations of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) §5 Abs. 4 and 5.,
5. passing of the examination
that there is no final failure of an examination required by the examination regulations in the course of studies in architecture or a related course of studies with essentially the same content and that the examination entitlement still exists for other reasons as well
6. subject-specific aptitude test (project portfolio/conversation)
Successful participation in a subject-specific study ability test consisting of a project portfolio and, if applicable, an interview.
The design or project portfolio with work samples should consist of self-selected original works from the bachelor's degree, predominantly created through individual effort during the bachelor's studies. It should also include a tabular curriculum vitae and is to be submitted as a PDF document with a maximum of 30 pages in DIN A4 format.
The design or project portfolio is evaluated on a scale from 0 to 80 points.
If a score of at least 61 points is achieved, the portfolio meets the requirements and the subject-specific study skills test is passed.
If the score is below 41 points, the subject-specific aptitude test is not passed.
If you score between 41 and 60 points, you will be invited to an interview.
In the interview, you should be able to apply specialist content from your studies and professional experience to questions and objectives in architecture. This includes the topics of design, the understanding of architectural issues, the ability to work scientifically and the technical language competence. Your interview behavior will also be evaluated in terms of expressive language, approach to discussing problems, and coherence of argumentation.
The interviews for the application for the winter semester 2024/25 will take place from Monday, February 03, 2025, to Friday, February 7, 2024, either in the Architecture Building, Building 20.40, at KIT Campus South, or as an online meeting.
The interview will be evaluated on a scale from 0 to 20 points.
If the total score in the interview is at least 10 points, the subject-specific study ability test is passed.
Letter of motivation
For the formation of the ranking list, a letter of motivation of a maximum of 500 words for the choice of the Master's program in Architecture at KIT must be attached.
In the letter, please explain why you are applying for the master's program in architecture at KIT, why you consider yourself suitable for this program, and what goals and expectations you have for the study of architecture at KIT.
Ranking list
A ranking list will be drawn up among the applicants who meet the admission requirements:
- Overall grade of the academic degree (15 points)
- Letter of motivation (5 points)
- Design/project portfolio (80 points)
Due to the high number of applicants, not all applicants who meet the admission requirements can usually be admitted. This means that even after successfully completing the interview, admission may not be granted because the placement on the ranking list is in the lower range.
* Admission to the Master's program in Architecture can also be applied for if the Bachelor's degree has not yet been obtained by the application deadline, and if it can be expected, based on the applicant's previous course of study, in particular his/her previous examination results, that the applicant will complete the Bachelor's program in good time before starting the Master's program in Architecture.
In this case, an average grade can be taken into account in the admission and selection decision, which is determined on the basis of the previous examination results. The applicant takes part in the admission and selection procedure exclusively with the average grade determined and the previous study and examination achievements. The subsequent result of the Bachelor's degree is disregarded. The application must be accompanied by a certificate of the study and examination achievements (e.g. extract of grades) up to the end of the application period.
** If up to 30 LP of the aforementioned achievements are missing, the applicant can still be admitted with the achievements actually made if he/she successfully completes and proves these achievements within the first three semesters of the Master's program in addition to the study and examination achievements required according to the relevant study and examination regulations of the Master's program in Architecture.
*** If the twelve-week professional internship pursuant to Paragraph 2 No. 4 is missing, the applicant may nevertheless be admitted in individual cases on condition that he/she successfully completes the internship by the beginning of the third semester of the Master's degree program. The fulfillment of the condition must be proven at the latest for re-registration in the fourth semester.
Dates for the start of the semester
All dates of info sessions, presentations of the design studios, seminar election on one page.
Semester schedule
Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Architecture
and Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Art History
Winter semester 2024/25 (as of: 31.07.2024)
Summer semester 2025 (as of: 18.12.2024)
Timetable Architecture
Summer semester 2025
All semesters: German and English
Winter semester 2024/25
All semesters: German and English
Summer semester 2024
All semesters: German and English
Winter semester 2023/24: German and English
Summer semester 2023: German and English
Winter semester 2021/22: German / English
Summer semester 2021: German / English
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung
Der Ablauf des Studiums ist in den jeweiligen Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen geregelt.
- Neue Studienordnung ab SoSe 2021: SPO 2021 (AB 011)
- Studienordnung ab WS 2016/17: SPO 2016 (AB 070)
- § 18/19 Anerkennung von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen
Module handbook
The module handbook describes the modules belonging to the respective degree program, the dependencies between them, the learning objectives and the type of assessment.
Summer semester 2025:
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO 2021): German | English
Online version
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German | English
Master Architecture (SPO2021): German | English
Past semesters:
Winter semester 2024/25:
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO 2021): German | English
Online version
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German | English
Master Architecture (SPO2021): German | English
Summer semester 2024:
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO 2021): German
Online version
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German | English
Master Architecture (SPO2021): German | English
Winter 2024/24
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO 2021): German
Online version
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO2021): German
Summer 2023
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO 2021): German
Online version
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO2021): German
Winter 2022/23
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO 2021): German
Online version
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO2021): German
Summer 2022
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO 2021): German
Online version
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO2021): German
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO 2021): german
Online version
Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Master Architecture (SPO2021): German
Summer 2021
Pdf: Master Architecture (SPO2016): german
Online version: Master Architecture (SPO2016): German
Module handbook Master Architecture - summer semester 2019 (SPO 2016) as PDF
Online module handbook for the Master's degree program in Architecture (SPO 2016)
Module handbook Master Architecture - winter semester 2016/17 (SPO 2012)
Module handbook Master Architecture - winter semester 2018/19 (SPO 2016) as PDF
Online module handbook for the Master's degree program in Architecture (SPO 2016)
Module handbook Master Architecture - summer semester 2018 (SPO 2016) as PDF
Online module handbook for the Master's degree program in Architecture (SPO 2016)
Module handbook Master Architecture - winter semester 2017/18 (SPO 2016) as PDF
Module handbook Master Architecture - summer semester 2017 (SPO 2016)
Module handbook Master Architecture - winter semester 2016/17 (SPO 2016)
Module handbook Master Architecture - summer semester 2016
Module handbook Master Architecture - winter semester 2015/16
Module handbook Master Architecture - summer semester 2015
Module handbook Master Architecture - winter semester 2014/15
Module Handbook Master Architecture - Summer Semester 2014
Module Handbook Master Architecture - Winter semester 2013/14
Module Handbook Master Architecture - Summer Semester 2013
Study plan
- Study Plan Master Architecture (SPO 2016), 21.09.2018
- Exemplary Study Plan Master (SPO 2021) german | english, 01.10.2022
Contact persons
The Office of the Dean of Studies is the point of contact for all questions regarding the organization of studies (admission, course of studies, recognition, examinations, internships, etc.) that cannot be clarified directly with the lecturers or professors.
Office of the Dean of Studies
Building 20.40, 1st floor, room 139
Ute Hofmann
Phone: 608-43879
Opening hours:
Mon to Thu, 09:00-12:00
and Tue 14:00-16:00
Study Coordination / Student Advisory Service
Dipl.-Ing. Doris Kern
Phone: 608-42673
Building 20.40, 1st floor, room 140
Office hours: Tuesdays 2-5 p.m.
by appointment: doris kern ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Dean of Studies Architecture
Prof. Simon Hartmann (Architecture)
Tel: 0721-608 42154
Building 20.40, 2nd floor, room 222
An overview of the courses can be found
- in the online course catalog
- in the semester program booklet
- and as a poster exhibition in the dean's office corridor (between room 136 to 143) on the 1st floor of building 20.40
Start of the Master
Welcome to the Master's program in Architecture at the KIT Department of Architecture! We want you to get off to a good start with us and have compiled information and offers to help you get started.
The orientation phase for the winter semester 2024/25 will take place in the week from 7 to 11.10.2024.
To get started
The faculty's semester brochure
The semester brochure provides an overview of the faculty, the courses on offer and the semester schedule. It is published shortly before the start of the semester.
All the information you need to plan and complete your studies:
Under "Study programmes" on the faculty website, you will find the important dates, links and information to keep an eye on the organizational aspects of your studies.
Dates Masters degree program Architecture
All rooms listed are located in the architecture building
(Building 20.40, Englerstraße 7, 76131 Karlsruhe)
Monday, 07.10.2024 | |
9:30 | Arrival / Registration Foyer first floor |
10:30 | Welcome by the faculty Procedure O-Phase and procedure program student councils Fritz Haller lecture hall (ground floor) |
11:00 | Presentation of the Master's program in Architecture (Egon-Eiermann lecture hall) |
12:00 | Lunch break - Lunch organized by the student councils Foyer 1st floor |
13:30 | Presentation of the student councils and mentors Fritz Haller lecture hall |
14:00 | Campus tours Campus |
Tuesday, 08.10.2024 | |
Evening program of the student council | |
Wednesday, 09.10.2024 | |
Evening program of the student council | |
Thursday, 10.10.2024 | |
20:00 | Court party |
Friday, 11.10.2024 | |
City rally all of Karlsruhe |
Important information / FAQ
Technical information of the SCC
The Steinbuch Center for Computing (SCC) is responsible for KIT's information technology. To help you get started, the SCC has compiled some relevant information such as how to activate your KIT user account, how to set up your e-mail account, how to prepare your KIT Card and much more.
Overview of important websites and portals
KIT and the Faculty of Architecture use information and administration systems that directly affect your study organization, be it in teaching, when documents are made available, when dates for the semester schedule are published, or when you have to register for exams. The various portals and websites fulfill different functions. The most important ones for you are briefly presented here.
Website of the KIT Department of Architecture
The website of the KIT Department of Architecture functions as a pure information website. It provides an overview of the various institutions, persons, and committees of the department as well as of the courses offered. It also announces current events, dates, and publications. In the section "Organisation of studies" you can find important dates, timetables, forms etc.. There are also video tutorials on how to register for and deregister from exams to help you with this process.
The various professorships of the department also have websites. The links to these can be found under the menu item "Institutes". The websites are maintained by the professorships themselves and differ in scope and offer.
Campus Management Portal
The Campus Management Portal is a central platform of KIT, which manages courses, exam registration and deregistration, re-registration for the next study semester and all possible certificates. Compared to the department website, it is not only about information, but about your personal study organization. If you have difficulties with the Campus Management Portal, the Dean of Studies Office of the Department (Building 20.40, Room 139) can often help.
WiWi Portal
The WiWi-Portal is used to allocate places for courses. It is only relevant in the weeks before the lecture period. Registration usually takes place via the KIT account, but if this is not yet available, registration with a private email address is also possible.
KIT uses the learning platform ILIAS. Here, teachers can set up courses for individual learning events and modules and then make learning materials available or set up submissions. ILIAS can also be used to send e-mails or set up calendars for courses. In most cases, the professorships set up a course and then inform the students concerned about the respective joining procedure. This can be done by the professors themselves or with a link and/or password. You should definitely join the corresponding ILIAS courses in order to receive the emails and materials for the courses and to be able to hand in required performances on time!