Jürgen Vogeley
1940 born in Kiel
Studied architecture at the TH Braunschweig
and the University of Karlsruhe.
1972 Diploma, majoring in urban planning.
1970 - 1976 Assistant at the Institute for Structural Engineering
1977 - 1979 at the Chair of Building Construction and Design I.
1977 - 1980 Guest lectures and compact courses at the European
Training Centre for Craftsmen in the Conservation of Monuments
in Venice.
Since 1980 own architectural office with expert activities,
safety tasks of historical constructions, conversion
and refurbishment of historical buildings, competitions and
and price judging activities.
1981 doctorate "The gothic roof construction above the nave roof
of the Freiburg Cathedral".
1991-1992 Research assignment of the BMFT
1992 Appointment as professor at the Institute for Structural Engineering.
Since 1994 head of subproject A5 "Recording, investigation and evaluation of the
of inner-city houses and quarters in interdisciplinary cooperation".
1997 Takeover of the department of building materials and products