Gender equity

As part of the University of Excellence concept "The Research University in the Helmholtz Association / Living the Change", the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) launched the "Gender Equity 1" project in 2019. This ambitious project, which runs until 2027 and is being implemented in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, pursues the ambitious goal of promoting equal opportunities at the university and bringing about a profound cultural change in this regard. The focus is on increasing the proportion of women at all levels of KIT.
As part of this comprehensive effort and in the specific context of Department IV - "Natural and Built Environment", teaching assignments for gender studies in architecture or art history were awarded at the KIT Faculty of Architecture over a period of four semesters starting in the winter semester 2021/22. The project aimed to attract outstanding young academics from the disciplines of architecture and art history who deal intensively with questions of gender construction in and through architecture and art history and contribute current research topics to teaching at Master's level.
Two teaching assignments were awarded each semester during the project period. The first teaching assignment, "Gender Studies in Architecture and Art History", focused thematically on gender issues, while the second teaching assignment, "Current Issues in Science and Society", aimed to strengthen women in teaching. Some teaching assignments were specifically awarded to women in order to increase their presence in academic teaching and offer them better opportunities when applying for professorships.
The teaching assignments were selected by the faculty in close consultation with the women's representatives of the KIT Department of Architecture to ensure that the objectives of this initiative were successfully implemented. The result of this project was an additional course for Master's students, which was offered flexibly in the form of seminars or workshops. The courses were an important step towards a gender-equitable university landscape and the promotion of equal opportunities at the KIT Department of Architecture.
This online publication documents the seminars and workshops offered:
Dr. Rixt Hoekstra
Jiyoung In
Solène Michaud
Doing gender!
Dr. Rixt Hoekstra
Doing gender!
Isabel Steiger Salvador
Line and time
Tanja Goetzmann
Female traveling
Tanja Goetzmann
Architectural production
Marion Kalmer
Protagonists of the Werkbund - Role models for today?
Andrea Scholtz
Digital stonemasons
Dr. María Aranda Alonso
An excerpt of the documentation is freely available here:
Download documentation
The complete documentation is available for KIT members on Ilias under the following link:
(Note: Prior registration with Ilias is required to access the file).