Prof. Dr. Peter Richter
Prof. Dr. Peter Richter
Architect and Industrial Engineer
1974 Dipl.-Ing. (Architecture) TU Munich
1976 Dipl.-Wirtschafts-Ing. TU Munich
1979 Architect AK-Bavaria No. 121 290
1988 Dr.-Ing. Uni Gh Kassel
1994 University Professor Uni Karlsruhe
Department of Planning and Building Economics of the Department of Architecture
Prof. Dr. Richter worked for many years as a consulting engineer in the project management of large construction projects, developing new methods and EDP applications for consulting and industry. He has special experience in information and planning systems for complex objects and projects using database systems. His fields of work are:
- Construction management ( projects and objects )
- Documentation and information systems in the building industry
- building management