Wolfgang Bley
1925 born in Altenburg/Thuringia
- 1931 - 1943 School years in Altenburg, Leipzig and Dresden Glider pilot (LFS)
- 1943 graduation from the Staatl. Oberschule for boys in Dresden-Plauen
- 1943 - 1945 Labor service, soldier in France, Denmark, Holland and Germany, pilot in the Air Force, captivity
- 1945 - 1946 Practical training as a bricklayer in Neustadt/Orla
- 1946 - 1952 Studies at the TH Karlsruhe, Dept. of Architecture
- 1948 Architecture competition: Trade school in Gaggenau 2nd prize
- 1948 - 1951 Freelance work in the office of the architects Egon Eiermann + Robert Hilgers, Karlsruhe, first own projects
- 1952 Diploma in engineering
- 1952 Together with Ernst van Dorp, architect, Bonn Competition Hotel Königshof, Bonn. 1st prize. Freelance work with F. Schmidt + E. van Dorp, architects, Bonn. Own projects
- 1956 Head of the office of Egon Eiermann + Sep Ruf in Düsseldorf for the planning of the German pavilion of the World Exhibition in Brussels 1958, Own projects
- 1958 Architect in the direction of the German Pavilion of the World's Fair in Brussels 1958
- 1958-1963 Appointment to an Extra Ordinariate at the Architecture Department of the TH Stuttgart
- 1963 - 1990 Professor at the TH Karlsruhe, chair of elementary construction, interior + design and architect in Karlsruhe
- 1967 - 1969 Dean of the Deaprtment of Architecture
- 1968 - 1990 Head of the newly founded Institute for Building Production at the University of Karlsruhe (TH)
- 1970 - 1972 Member of the supervisory board of ROLU Fertighaus AG in Rottenburg
- 1990 October Emeritus
- Deceased on September 19, 2021
Member of:
Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg.
Working Group Reinforced Plastics eV Frankfurt/M
Deutscher Werkbund eV 1959 - 1972
Society for Future Issues, Berlin 1969 - 1972
University Association
Institute for Building with Plastics IBK, Darmstadt
Rationalisierungs-Gemeinschaft Bau eV, Frankfurt/M
Prefabricated Construction Study Group eV, Wiesbaden
1978 On the advisory board of Studiengemeinschaft Fertigbau eV
1966 - 1975 Founding member and member of the board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft f. Wohnmedizin eV Baden-Baden
1965-1969 Member of the Board of the Deutscher Werkbund Baden-Württemberg eV
1968 Chairman of the Deutscher Werkbund Baden-Württemberg eV