
Bleistift und EU-Logo
Working as an architect throughout Europe

Our architecture degree programs have been notified since October 2024. This gives our graduates the opportunity to register as architects in other European countries more easily - often without additional examinations or recognition procedures.

Shade for the Kronenplatz

The professorships Digital Design and Fabrication (DDF) and Design of Structures (DOS) invite you to the official inauguration of the research demonstrator komorebi on Kronenplatz.

Friday, February 14, 2025, 12 noon, Triangle

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Peter SchossigDirk Mahler
Climate-friendly buildings and neighborhoods

In his inaugural lecture, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Schossig, expert for climate-friendly technologies in construction, will talk about the role of the heating transition for the energy transition.

Wed., 5.02.2025, 7 p.m., Fritz Haller lecture hall

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Browser ArtKIT Kunstgeschichte
Choose Your Filter!

The exhibition of the Chair of Art History (Prof.'in Dr. Inge Hinterwaldner) presents browser art since the beginnings of the World Wide Web.
01.02. - 24.08.2025, ZKM

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Sharif Kahatt und Marta Morelli privat
Guests from Peru - Welcome to KIT!

In January and February 2025, the architects Sharif Kahatt and Marta Morelli will be guests at the KIT Department of Architecture.

Das Potential der Kleinen StadtJona Thiele
Selected Master's theses of the summer semester 2024

On our online platform you can now find the best Master's theses from the past summer semester.

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Studierende arbeiten im StudioDFDM
Building and planning in an international context

Study across borders: Find out more about the Franco-German double master's degree in architecture at KIT and Ensas Strasbourg in a new video.

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The Karlsruhe Architecture Lectures

Every semester, architects give an insight into their work as part of a series of public lectures.

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Department Events


Finissage der Jubiläumsausstellung

Sunday, 19 October 2025
Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM)
Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

Zum Abschluss der Ausstellung laden wir zur Vernissage ins ZKM ein. Nach Grußworten und Reden von Experten und Kuratoren gibt es Musik vom KIT und einen Sektempfang. Die Veranstaltung bietet nicht nur die Möglichkeit, die ausgestellten Objekte im ZKM zu bewundern, sondern auch einen digitalen Zugang zur Online-Präsentation aller 100 Objekte. Zum letzten Mal haben Sie die Möglichkeit sich von den Kuratoren durch die Ausstellung führen zu lassen. 

Professor Jan S. Hesthaven
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe
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