The competition, organized by the international Construction21 platform, rewards outstanding architectural projects that address the challenges of climate protection and sustainability in an innovative way. Winners were selected from 192 entries from 25 countries in eight categories. 16 other projects received recognition from the jury, which is made up of experts in sustainable building from around the world.
The Mehr.WERT.Pavilion built at the Federal Horticultural Show 2019 in Heilbronn beat out international competition in the "Sustainable Infrastructure" category. The project by the Faculty of Architecture at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is made entirely of reused and recycled materials.
The building proves that it is already possible to design and realise sophisticated architecture entirely from urban mine materials, while applying the principles of the circular economy without compromise. The materials used in the construction were all selected according to these guidelines and assembled using only detachable, mechanical connections, so that they can be fully reused or recycled without loss of value. However, the structure was so compelling that it has now been completely relocated for the time being after the exhibition closes, and will continue to exist near its original site for a number of years - as a materials store, social meeting place and physical proof that it is already possible to build in a circular way.
The 2020-21 Green Solutions Awards judges said, "By focusing on the circular economy, it demonstrates how urban areas can become sources of materials. The More Value Pavilion in Germany is built entirely from recycled materials and can be completely dismantled. A sober achievement that should be a signal to all planners and builders."
The aim of the pavilion was and is to discuss important questions of future construction and the associated consumption of resources with decision-makers from politics, construction planning and execution, and to develop new innovative concepts, applications and methods for practice and teaching.
The Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Management of Baden Württemberg has produced a film about the development process of the Mehr.WERT.Pavilion from planning to construction.
The Mehr.Wert.Pavilion at the Federal Horticultural Show Heilbronn