Karlsruher Architektur­vorträge


Karlsruher Architekturvorträge im Winter 2024/25

Im Allgemeinen wird ein Kompromiss nicht als notwendiges Übel verstanden, sondern vielmehr als produktive Kraft. Das gilt für eine Vielzahl von Bereichen, von der öffentlichen Politik bis hin zu persönlichen Beziehungen. Architektur scheint jedoch eine Ausnahme von dieser Regel zu sein. Ein Kompromiss in der Architektur wird als Verlust, als Schwäche, als Verwässerung einer starken architektonischen Manifestation oder Position wahrgenommen. Er ist ein Tabu, da er die Architektur kompromittiert. Für eine Disziplin, die tief in Politik, Material- sowie Arbeitswirtschaften verstrickt ist und von einer Vielzahl persönlicher und beruflicher Beziehungen geprägt wird, erscheint diese Wahrnehmung zumindest überraschend. Ausgehend von der positiven Bedeutung des "gemeinsamen Engagements", das die lateinische Wurzel des Begriffs impliziert, hinterfragt die Vortragsreihe, welche Rolle der Kompromiss als produktive Kraft in der architektonischen Praxis spielen kann.

Termine und Gäste:

ROTOR, Brussels
Rotor is a cooperative design practice that investigates the organisation of the material environment. We develop critical positions through research and design. Besides projects in architecture and interior design, we also produce exhibitions, books, economic models and policy proposals.
Guest lecturer Gaspard Geerts is an architect. He joined the Rotor team since 2018 where he works as a project manager for several design, design assistance, exhibition and research projects. Graduating in 2018 from the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre Horta of the Free University of Brussels, he dedicated his final project and thesis to an alternative housing neighbourhood in the south of Brussels where he was born and lived.

XDGA, Brussels
XDGA is a Brussels and Paris-based office practicing architecture, urbanism and landscape design founded in 1988 by Xaveer De Geyter (°1957) after his experience at OMA/Rem Koolhaas.
Since then, XDGA has managed to build up a significant portfolio and obtain worldwide recognition thanks to its radical approach, diversified expertise and international team.
XDGA counts to this day 5 monographs, numerous awards (Mies Van der Rohe Award, Bigmat Award, Flemish Culture Award for Architecture) and 3 travelling solo exhibitions.
Guest lecturer Antoine Chaudemanche is trained as an architect in France and based in Brussels, he has been working with XDGA as an office manager for over 20 years. He works in several European countries, mainly between France and Belgium. He is interested in architecture, quantum physics, the city, collages and the construction of situations.

Point Supreme were founded in Rotterdam in 2008 by Greece-born Marianna Rentzou and Konstantinos Pantazis after living and working in Athens, London, Brussels, Tokyo and Rotterdam (OMA, MVRDV). They have won 1st prize in various international competitions.
Point Supreme was included among the 20 most influential personalities in Greece by popular Greek newspaper LIFO. They regularly publish self-initiated projects for the city of Athens where they are based.Their projects for the city were exhibited at the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale.
‘Athens Projects’, the first book dedicated to their work was published by Graham Foundation in Chicago. The office has won 1st prizes for a Social Housing in Trondheim, the Faliro Pier in Athens, a sheltered public space in Tel Aviv (built), a Firestation in Belgium (built), the new Architecture school in Marseille (under construction) and an Artists Centre in Genk (construction to start soon). They are teaching internationally at architecture schools including Columbia University in New York and EPFL in Lauzanne.
Guest lecturer Marianna Rentzou is architect and founding partner at Point Supreme. She lives in Athens, Greece, and Studied at National Technical University of Athens. After her studies, she worked several years at OMA.

MBL, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, FR
MBL architects is an architecture studio founded by Sébastien Martinez-Barat and Benjamin Lafore, later joined by Florian Jomain. Their work explores various fields of architectural culture: constructions, publications, teaching, object design and exhibition curating. MBL is committed to a practice of architecture as investigation and an eclectic production.
Guest lecturers: Sébastien Martinez Barat & Florian Jomain

Born in 1983 and a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais, Sébastien Martinez Barat is co-founder of the architectural group MBL. He was architect-curator of the Belgian Pavilion at the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale in 2014. S. Martinez-Barat approaches architecture as a broad disciplinary field, ranging from curating to construction. He is a professor at ENSA Saint-Etienne, where he leads Adventure Studio, which explores design cultures and methods based on observation and project opportunities related to degrowth.

Born in 1985, Florian Jomain is a managing partner at MBL Architectes. He holds degrees in economics and management from ESCP Business School and in photography from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and the Royal College of Art London. He is the co-founder and director of the architectural incubator SANA at ENSA Clermont-Ferrand, which has been supporting young firms in structuring their practice since 2022.

AgwA, Brussels
AgwA is an architectural practice founded in Brussels in 2003. AgwA's approach to architecture is functional, straightforward and uncompromising, based on a concern to respond as effectively as possible to contextual, human, programmatic and economic issues, using solutions that are uncomplicated but always simple, effective and ecologically and economically sustainable.
AgwA works mainly on large- and medium-scale public and private projects, but is also attentive to smaller-scale projects where other dimensions of the project can be explored. All projects are treated with the same care and involvement.
AgwA's architectural work has been enthusiastically received by critics, and has been the subject of several exhibitions and numerous publications in the Belgian and European specialist press. AgwA is naturally active in teaching and research, mainly at the University of Liège, the Hogeschool voor Kunst en Wetenschap Sint Lucas Brussel, and the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Guest lecturer Benoît Burquel (1981) graduated as a Civil Engineer Architect at ULiège in 2005. He obtained a Master of Human Settlements from the KU Leuven in 2007. After lecturing and researching at ULiège in 2014-2017, he currently lectures at ULB. He co-organized the summer schools "Real Estate Architecture" running from 2016 until 2018. He is a partner of AgwA architects since 2017.

Über die Veranstaltung
Die Vortragsreihe wurde von der Professur Raum und Entwerfen konzipiert. Die Vorträge finden mittwochs um 19 Uhr im Fritz-Haller-Hörsaal, Englerstraße 7, Geb. 20.40 in Karlsruhe statt.

Die Vorträge der Veranstaltungsreihe werden von der Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg als Fort-/Weiterbildung mit dem Umfang von je 1 Unterrichtsstunde für Mitglieder und Architekt:innen/Stadtplaner:innen im Praktikum für alle Fachrichtungen anerkannt.

Live Stream:

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