KOSMOS ARCHITECTS - Vortrag von Leonid Slonimskiy
Leonid Slonimskiy, born in 1987, is an architect, architectural researcher and academic. He received architectural education in Moscow Architectural Institute and Columbia University GSAPP in New York. For more than 6 years Leonid has been a colaborator of OMA*AMO in New York and Herzog & de Meuron in Basel.
Leonid is a founding partner of an award-winning office “KOSMOS Architects”. Among other prizes KOSMOS won “Prix de Genève” - Prize of Geneva in experimental architecture, got nominated to Swiss Art and Design Awards, received “Milano Archmarathon” award, Pro Helvetia prize for Swiss Pavilion for Prague Quadrennial and “Archiwood” Awards for the best public building in wood. Work of KOSMOS has been widely published and exhibited, including Venice Biennale, American Institute of Architects and Swiss
Architecture Museum.
KOSMOS designs and builds projects of diverse scales and types: from art installations and temporary pavilions to big public buildings such as sport centers, museums and airports, as well as masterplans and big urban parks.
Besides practice, Leonid is a professor, leading a design studio in HEAD Genève (Geneva University of art and design), TU Wien (Vienna Technological University) and MARCH (Moscow Architectural School). Leonid has been invited as a workshop leader to Porto Academy, AA Visiting School Moscow, Karlsruhe Institute of Architecture, Kotor APSS, Hello Wood Hungary, University of Antwerpen, and previously led a design studio at Bangkok’s Royal Chulalongkorn University, INDA faculty.
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Fakultät für Architektur
Englerstr. 11
76131 Karlsruhe
E-Mail: dekanat ∂does-not-exist.arch kit edu
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