

PROMISES UPON REQUEST / KIT – Karlsruhe Architecture Symposium – 2023

Freitag, 20. Oktober 2023, 9:00-19:00
KIT-Fakultät für Architektur
Englerstraße 7
76131 Karlsruhe

Growing climate awareness puts architects in a position to comply with more and more specific demands from society, targeting the core of the profession from the outside. In response to these demands, positions emerged within the discipline, promising sustainable approaches to ecological resilience, social inclusion, and economic responsibility.


The symposium brings together experts from practice and academia to establish a platform for dialogue and debate: we want to investigate the challenges these promises face rather than the promises themselves. We want to get behind and ahead of assumed value changes and new conventions. The symposium will be live-documented, and a final protocol transcript will be released shortly after its closing.


The program of the Symposium is structured as a continuous conversation spanning over two days. During six sessions dedicated to six different "promises", invited speakers will interact with respondents mainly from the KIT architecture Faculty. The sessions will consist of a back-and-forth between the pair of speakers short presentations and the pair of respondents reactions. The speakers and the respondents will build the theoretical background in conversations beforehand.

Organized by the Chair of Architectural Design, Prof. Simon Hartmann.

Free participation.
No registration necessary.

The event will be streamed live.



Angelika Hinterbrandner, KNTXTR / ETHZ

Mark Lee, Johnston Marklee / GSD

Christine Binswanger, Herzog & de Meuron

Tiago Mota Saraiva, ateliermob / FAUL

Dijana Vučinić, DVARP / KIT

Maroje Mrduljas, University of Zagreb

Kerstin Müller, Zirkular / KIT

Philippe Rahm, Philippe Rahm Architectes / GSAPP

Charlotte Truwant, Truwant + Rodet + / EPFL

Jan de Vylder, AJDVIV / ETHZ

Lars Lerup, RICE School of Architecture

Nanne de Ru, Powerhouse Company

Simon Hartmann, HHF / KIT

Marc Frohn, FAR / KIT

Joaquín Medina Warmburg, KIT

Anna-Maria Meister, KIT

Christian Inderbitzin, EMI / KIT

Dirk Hebel, KIT

Ludwig Wappner, KIT / allmanwappner

Federico Coricelli, KIT

Mariana Santana, HHF / KIT

Marc Angélil, AGPS / ETHZ

Georg Vrachliotis, TU Delft

Anna-Maria Meister, KIT


See the website for more info.

ARCH-FAK Kalenderadmin
Fakultät Architektur
Englerstraße 7
76131 Karlsruhe
E-Mail: frank metzger does-not-exist.kit edu

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