The Professur Raum und Entwerfen is presenting a new issue of the zine: R+EVUE.
The theme of issue#2 is "20%".
According to current studies, around 20% of office space in Germany will be obsolete in the medium term1. This corresponds to a floor area of more than 75 million square meters. Calculated against the average per capita living space of 47,7 sqm2, this represents enough space to house almost 2 million people.
R+EVUE 2 presents ten case studies, each making use of the same already-vacant office structure: an administrative building from the 1970s in Hamburg Wansbek. The object under investigation serves as a stand-in for the office buildings which pervade the peripheries of large German cities. Thr ough consideration of this building’s specific structural and urban characteristics, various strategies for reappropriation are examined.
"R+EVUE" was initiated by Marc Frohn.
The Issue#2 "20%" was developed by Marc Frohn, Tim Panzer, Federico Perugini, Florian Bengert .
Its development has only been possible through the ongoing support of the entire team at the chair R+E: Irene Gazzillo, Lea Geiger, Pierre Gernay, Maša Mori, David Wasel, Fabrizio Canessa and Sophia Gueldenpfennig.
The drawings were produced by the students of the 20% seminar: Katharina Klug, Lars Oberle, David Leber, Lisbeth Römersperger, Lukas Grossmann, Melanie Wank, Milena Weber, Steffen Bytomski, Viola Winterstein, Yola Benisis.
Graphic design by Strobo B M.
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