Global Perspectives on Art & Ecology – Halyna Kohut, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Ukraine – Vortragsreihe Kunstgeschichte
The Power of Flowers: Сarpets, Nature and Genealogical Myths in the Eighteenth-Century Cossack Hetmanate
Halyna Kohut, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Ukraine
The causes of climate emergency are rooted in aesthetic perceptions and cultural habits that have not been challenged for hundreds of years. In the series of talks titled „Global Perspectives on Art and Ecology,“ art and science historians discuss how to identify such visual and cultural practices and negotiate art as an ecological transformative power. Renowned scholars such as Halyna Kohut (currently visiting research fellow at KIT), Nazar Kozak, and Oliver Hochadel will delve into ecocritical perspectives and art responses to ecological disasters.
Organized by the IKB – Institute of Art and Building History, Dr. Dr. Jesus Morcillo.
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