
The task was to design a Body Hygiene Hub - a pavilion which serves as an infrastructural extension of Architecture Faculty, offering a place for body purification and beautification. Students had 48 hours to process the task and submit their proposals. 13 projects were handed in. Out of these the winners were selected by the jury on April 27 in a public video conference. Members of the jury were Prof. Simon Hartmann, Prof. Dr. Georg Vrachliotis and Anđela Brašanac.
The winning team (Daniel Podrasa) designed a highly versatile and flexible Hygiene Hub, making it their mission to clear the concept of hygiene of its negative connotation by equating it with relaxation and refreshment rather than sterilization. The inclusion of a great variety of adaptable spaces, which vary in their level of privacy, makes the rather compact space work for all personality types and seasons.
The hub is located right at the entrance to the campus, opening itself towards the main architecture building 20.40, allowing so make a conscious stop when passing by.
Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to all the participants of the 48-H Competition.
2nd Prize - Team 2704 (Johannes Theodor Berzau)
3rd Prize - Body & Soul (Maram Batta, Julian Raupp)